单词 hype 例句大全,用单词hype造句:

Pump me up!Hype me up!Throw me some bait!How about that young pup ?
The public were not fooled by all the hype the press gave the event.
Everyone at school used to hype each other up about men all the time.
The hydrogen hype is just a PR campaign to delay battery electric cars.
The transition from hype to mainstream is clearly evident in many areas.
I fell for the hype on the dust jacket and the Mayan type artwork within.
The hype and fervour surrounding the event positively invited scepticism.
Whether the returns will continue to live up to the hype remains to be seen.
而回报是否能与宣传相符, 还有待观察。
Basically, hype cycle is only measuring the buzz as well as the adoption rate.
基本上, 光环曲线仅仅用来度量溢美之词和接受率。
Do you think you will ever get the hype other players of your talent level gets
James was a wonder, unfazed by the monstrous hype that descended upon him at 16.
詹姆斯是个奇迹, 在他16岁的时候他也遇到了巨大的挫折。
Fear is irrational. More often than not, fear is based on hype and a herd mentality.
As the year drew to a close, the hype surrounding Michael approached a fever pitch.
Of course the possibility that here also does not eliminate them to have intended hype.
RARELY has a gathering of the world's most important politicians been surrounded by so much hype.
We like investments that are real, tangible, not paper promises based on questionable accounting and hype.
我们投资真实的项目, 而不是纸上的会计方式和骗局。
If, instead, you hype up the danger while offering an easy solution, your audience will roll over obediently.
回头想想, 他们是这个世界上仅剩的100个不用这个短语的人。
On similar lines he hopes that the hype around cloud computing does not affect its reputation as a great idea.
High temperature contented, microtherm contented, pure belong to commercial hype, provide quality to have nothing to do with clean.
Best of all, this site isn't all lists and hype; it also includes sassy feature stories about the scene that usually deliver on their promise.
Since Muhammad Ali's fierce 22-year-old daughter Laila made a splash in her pro debut last October, Frazier-Lyde has ratcheted the hype up a notch.

单词 hype 释义

  • 单词释义:n.<美俚> 皮下注射,骗局,大肆宣传,大做广告,瘾君子  [更多..]



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