The study about absorptive capability promotion through knowledge innovation process of enterprise
At holidays time, the full avenue is the advertisement which, the promotion present gives a present.
Jessica was transferred from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was considered a promotion.
杰西卡从仓库调到了计算科, 这是一种晋升呀!
A shift also took place from the emphasis on the promotion of human rights to their actual protection.
Preventing adolescent use of addictive drugs is therefore an important part of public health promotion.
所以, 预防青少年使用成瘾药物是很重要的健康促进议题。
Marketing research and product development are one side and advertising and sales promotion are another.
营销调查和产品开发是一个方面, 广告和促销是另一个方面。
The other is to spend on the investment of marketing value appropriation like advertising and promotion.
二是行销价值专属化活动, 以广告促销活动支出为代表。
Objective To study the mechanism of rGH in the promotion of colonic morphologic adaption in short bowel rats.
Encourages the pharmacy jobholders to continue to study and to pursue advanced studies, promotion culture level.
The paper asserted that transnational corporations had served as the main actors for the promotion of free trade.
文件指出, 跨国公司充任了促进自由贸易的主要行动者。
The Research on the Selection and Promotion Mechanism of National Civil Servants of Administrative Law Enforcement.
To Deepen the Building Revolution of Extending Science and Technology and Accelerate the Promotion of Boorish Income.
There is no additional notice if the above specifications and sizes are changed by the reason of capability promotion.
Choose a domain name is especially important, short, easy to remember more advantageous to the promotion of the domain name.
It was also confirmed that the promotion of proteoglycan synthesis was an important factor in the promotion of calcification.
An experiment was conducted to study the rooting promotion and formation of adventitious roots of Abies beshanzuensis cuttings.
The outmoded idea that seniority must be given top priority should be eradicated in the promotion of the promotion young cadres.
The main aim of David Ricardo was the promotion of free international trade and he introduced the theory of comparative advantage.
Specifically, the administrative department of labor of the State Council shall be in charge of the promotion of employment nationwide.
The job offers prospects of promotion. Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor; give sb. an accelerated promotion to associate professor
To cooperate with international bilateral, multilateral investment promotion institution conducting the long term investment and promotion activities.
The senate advanced him from a lectureship to a professorship Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor; give sb. an accelerated promotion to associate professor.
The Dimensionality Analysis on Influencing the Ability Promotion of the Party Participating into the State Affairs in the Participation in the Management of State Affairs
A skillful blend of horror and promotion create the film event of 1999 In October of 1997, three young actors went into the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland, to play in a horror movie.
In the past a Devil's Advocate had the task of arguing the case against a person's promotion to sainthood, thus ensuring that only those candidates whose cases were very strong would be selected.