A Discussion of the Constitutional Principle of The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China
The Hong Kong Government did not arbitrate disputes nor did it have any provisional rules of procedure.
Accordingly, the player does not search for the original ball walks directly toward his provisional ball.
This requires that all communities actively and meaningfully participate in the Provisional Institutions.
Soon, they move to provisional University Kunming, known as the National Southwest Associated University.
In addition the parties agreed on the provisional application of new conservation and enforcement measures.
The list of topics of the Provisional Agenda follows the structure of the aforementioned Coordinator's paper.
Regular reports include annual reports and interim reports, and other reports shall be the provisional reports.
The 1st meeting of the Provisional Directory was assembled on July 21st, 2007, in City University of Hong Kong.
The provisional national assembly we are proposing is radically different from the one that has been called off.
One week later, the Tsar abdicated under duress and the First Provisional Government took control of the country.
The provisional programme of work of the Committee for the sixtieth session of the General Assembly was approved.
He seized and fortified the town of Ajdabiya and blitzed Benghazi, provisional capital of the interim government.
他攻占艾季达比耶并加强防御, 闪电般攻击班加西。
The offerer should guarantee that The guarantee period should be one year starting from the provisional acceptance.
The provisional programme of the United Nations Asian and Pacific Meeting on the Question of Palestine was adopted.
Provisional rules of procedure for the Commission were adopted after a long consultative process among member States.
Provisional Measures on Administration of Domestic Securities Investments of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors
A draft provisional agenda for the seventh session of the Commission will be submitted for consideration and approval.
Also, it is possible to obtain provisional approval to teach without a teaching certificate or license for many schools.
A provisional application for patent has a pendency lasting 12 months from the date the provisional application is filed.
Discuss the constitution protection of individual property right during the Republic of China Nanjing Provisional Government
A provisional statement of out turn of revenue and expenditure of the Festival was tabled by the Administration at the meeting.
I have aleady filled up a set of three copies of the provisional Tenancy Agreement for both parties, the landlord and the tenant.
Comparison of Diplomatic Policies and Activities Between Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea and Provisional Government of France During the Second World War
二战期间韩, 法临时政府外交活动比较
Foreign investment reached $ US 988 million in June this year, up 49 per cent from 1998. Provisional numbers for July put foreign investment at $ US 2.08 billion, up 68 per cent from a year ago.