单词 procuratorial 例句大全,用单词procuratorial造句:

Impact of the Revision of the New Lawyers Act on Procuratorial Organs and the Countermeasures Thereof
The Conflict and the Coordination of Procuratorial Power Configuration in Withdrawing Public Prosecution
Among them, adjudgement, procuratorial work assists hillock 491 post of procuratorate judicatory police 9.
其中,审判 检察辅助岗491名,检察院司法警察岗9名。
Briefly speaking, Independence of procurator means procurators independently exercise procuratorial power.
If the internee is not convinced by the detention, he may appeal to the public security or procuratorial organs.
被拘留者对拘留不服, 可以向公安机关或检察机关提出申诉。
We should gradually separate their judicial adjudication and procuratorial work from their administrative affairs.
Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of People's Supervisors'Unified Assignment in Superior Procuratorial Organ
Some Reflections on Strengthening Procuratorial Work of Discipline Inspecting of Oilfield Units Engaging in a Battle
the army, armed police and procuratorial, judicial and public security organs have severed their ties with enterprises
军队, 武警部队, 政法机关与企业脱钩
The Procuratorial Supervision and Inspection Office shall have one Director, two Deputy Directors and several staffers.
procuratorial offices administering criminal cases, law and discipline, prison and detention houses, and economic affairs
刑事, 法纪, 监所, 经济等检察厅
Carrying out and Perfection of Criminal Policy of Leniency and Severity and Its Working Mechanism for the Procuratorial Organ
The fourth part analyses the defects in procuratorial supervision of the detention house's commuting sentences and their reasons.
The army, the armed police and the procuratorial, judicial and public security organs shall be no longer engaged in business activities

单词 procuratorial 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.代理人的,代诉的  [更多..]



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