单词 preview 例句大全,用单词preview造句:

audition is a free preview of a new series of programs being produced soon.
When you hover over a thumbnail, a preview of the video will begin playing.
Then carryout the teaching of the situation in the real preview of what it?
The viewfinder image will darken when the preview AE lock button is pressed.
Prior to conversion, you can also preview video files, set start and end time.
Most DSLRs also have a function that allows accurate preview of depth of field.
Hover Time speed Accelerating the opening menus and windows preview applications.
悬停时的速度 加快开放的菜单以及应用步伐的窗口预览。
You'll get an interactive preview of the files which contain the words you typed in.
The fashion industry bible released preview pics taken from her upcoming cover shoot.
Where appropriate, the helper window allows you to preview the fix in a separate window.
在适当的位置, 帮助器窗口允许您在单独的窗口中预览修复。
A diver swims with a moray eel during a press preview at the Sunshine Aquarium in Tokyo.
在东京的阳光水族馆, 潜水员与热带海鳗与媒体见面。
Procedures have editorial frames and browsers convenient editing system while side preview.
Camera preview after taking a picture crashes the camera, please disable it in the settings.
Preview the text. Analyze the structure of the text and find out the main idea for each part.
Manual adjustment of the whole process, the software supports synchronous immediate effect preview.
Select the Channel Items button to list videos in the channel and preview them without subscribing.
I ing ways preview a particular d master the main idea of the lesson in cl postal particularce clbum.
In addition to homework review and preview, the Panchen arrangements will practice one hour calligraphy.
Documentation election Optional box removed preview capabilities to support efficient way connected to the paper.
文件选择对话框去掉预览功能, 以支持快捷方式的文件联接。
The top section contains a few settings, and the bottom part contains the Texture Importer and the texture preview.
顶部包含几个设置, 底部包含了纹理导入器和纹理预览。
You can preview all Situational Conversational Sentences in Pinyin, Chinese Character, Translation and pronunciation.
Preview Control Law of Railway Vehicle Active Suspension Based on Track Irregularity Spectrum and Time Delay Between Axles
This brings about an advantage of making it possible to suppress deterioration in quality of an image whose preview is displayed.
由此, 起到能够抑制预览显示的图像的画质劣化的效果。
When the opening weekend of the prequel movie Star Wars: Episode 1--The Phantom Menace was planned in the US, crazy fans queued up to buy tickets simply to see the preview trailer.
But a big drawback, which may irk loyal Mac followers, is that the site is unable to accommodate users with Macintosh-operating systems, allowing them to send but not preview or receive cards.

单词 preview 释义



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