单词 prevent 例句大全,用单词prevent造句:

You prevent them accessing breeding sites, and alter the characteristics of the river bottom.
你阻碍它们游往产卵场, 并改变了河底的特征。
Accordingly, colour and lustre is gentle nature, antifouling prevent slippery archaize brick.
因此, 色泽柔和自然, 防污防滑的仿古砖。
Administration of appropriate antibiotics are necessary to prevent secondary abscess formation.
Prevent the accumulation of stagnant water Put all used cans and bottles into covered dustbins.
In middle ages, people believed that wearing the left shoe first could prevent teeth from ache.
在中世纪, 人们相信, 先脱左脚的鞋子, 会防止牙痛。
Additional uses of onscreen buttons or bezel touch detection could prevent accidental gesturing.
Boric acid is a strong neutron absorber which will help prevent the nuclear fuel from overheating.
Some types of hose connections utilize clips to prevent them from accidentally becoming uncoupled.
A small hole drilled in the filter intake just below water level will prevent accidental syphoning.
A ribbon is attached to the battery compartment cover to prevent the cover from falling accidentally.
Objective To reconstruct the function of cardia and prevent postoperative complications of achalasia.
摘要目的重建贲门功能, 防止贲门失弛缓症术后并发症。
The dual zipper also enhances seal strength to prevent accidental package opening and product spillage.
Both vaccines also appeared to prevent abnormal, precancerous cell growths found in the cervix, he says.
Still can massage abdomen, passivity increases alvine peristalsis, in order to prevent costive happening.
还可以按摩腹部, 被动增加肠蠕动, 以防止便秘得发生。
Parents call for filtering software products to help prevent their children's access to certain websites.
With their reduced mass, the cages cut the roller bearings'energy absorption and prevent sliding friction.
其大规模减少的笼子里削减滚子轴承, 能量吸收和防止摩擦。
To prevent the index from being changed accidentally, check the Protected against manual changes checkbox.
Please use magnet to absorb workpiece to prevent falling to break molybdenum wire after cutting is completed.
Conclusion Internal negative pressure drainage in abdominal incision can prevent the incision from fat liquefy
Adequate ventilation should be present to prevent accumulation of flammable vapors during spraying operations.
进行喷涂作业时, 应有良好的通风, 以防易燃蒸汽积聚。
There are a variety of ingredients used in toothpaste to help prevent the accumulation of tartar on the teeth.
Longterm atropine treatment of school myopia can eliminate accommodation tonus, prevent or retard the progress of myopia.
长期阿托品治疗能消除调节张力, 中止或减慢近视的进行。
She thought he would make an abject fool of himself, and for her sake, as well as his, decided to prevent him from standing.
Long-term atropine treatment of school myopia can eliminate accommodation tonus and prevent or retard the progress of myopia.
Lotus lotus root Contamination of path of can cleared bowel, prevent defecate to harden, stimulate alvine wall, prevent constipation.

单词 prevent 释义



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