单词 prolific 例句大全,用单词prolific造句:

And both enjoyed prolific silent movie careers based on their reputations as charming drunks.
在三十和四十年代, 两者的相似是毫无疑问的。
So far, this prolific writer has published 19 poetry collections and a dozen of prose collections.
迄今为止, 这位多产的作家出版了19部诗集和众多散文集。
Ruud van Nistelrooy's prolific goalscoring exploits have safeguarded his place in United folklore.
In JiZhong depression, Slope region is the most important prolific zone for oil and gas accumulation.
Okay. We are actually the first species on Earth to be so prolific to actually threaten our own survival.
Elvis Cotello has shown himself to be one of the most prolific and protean songwriters of his generation.
他表现出来是当代最多产, 最变幻不定的歌曲作家。
Respected nuclear physicist and prolific writer Freeman Dyson moonlights as a science fiction writers dream.

单词 prolific 释义

  • 单词释义:(艺术家、作家等)多产的;众多的;富饶的;(植物、动物等)丰硕的  [更多..]



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