单词 proficient 例句大全,用单词proficient造句:

Proficient in the Bluray remove pox, IPL rejuvenation of skin, Laser Cosmetic, RF lift wrinkles.
精通蓝光祛痘, 彩光嫩肤术, 激光美容, 射频拉皮除皱。
You need to be proficient in both consciousness raising and chakra control, but it is achievable.
The company has a familiar proficient in international trade logistics, and areat management team.
公司拥有一支熟悉精通国际外贸物流, 善于经营管理的队伍。
You had a paper route and you're proficient in martial arts, though not proficient in spelling it.
Proficient in garment sourcing, fabric and the insured amount, valuation and other professional work.
Besides his proficient in translation practice, he also has insightful ideas about translation itself.
Comparative Research on the Profession Commitment and Job Burnout of Novice, Proficient and Expert Nurses
If you wish to become proficient in the art of living with wisdom, do you think you can eat and drink excess
如果你想要精通智能的生活艺术, 你想你能饮食过量吗?
The moral metaphysics is the ideology quintessence of proficient Mu zongsan in eastern and western philosophy.
A Comparative Analysis of the Teacher Talks between the Novice, Proficient and Expert Teachers in the EFL Classroom
Research on the Achievement Goal Orientation and Personality Characteristics of Novice, Proficient and Expert Teacher
There are a number of dimensions to effective communication, and the architect needs to be proficient in all of them.
有效沟通的方式有许多, 架构师必须精通所有。
Liu Zhuo proficient in astronomy, he discovered Sui keep the calendar more than the fallacy of many proposed changes.
Singapore's Chinese community will soon face a critical shortage of people who are proficient in the Chinese language.
Familiar with the operating system and processes of manufacturing industry, proficient in all the functions classification.
When we write a composition, we should try to find the exact words and sentences to make the diction proficient, smooth, and effectual.

单词 proficient 释义



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