单词 programmer 例句大全,用单词programmer造句:

Thus the customer tests and programmer tests are a critical enabling factor.
This unit use for client for delphi, this a practise for try for programmer.
A computer programmer spends all day, every day, alone in his tiny apartment.
The team should have automated suites of programmer tests and customer tests.
Know nothing about our new neighbour except that he is a software programmer.
我只知道新来的邻居是软件编程员, 别的一无所知。
Occasionally, a programmer might unintentionally turn off automatic evaluation.
有时, 程序员可能会无意关闭自动计算。
Diagnostic tools can help the programmer determine when to use those techniques.
They make memory management easier for the system, but harder for the programmer.
As the programmer must learn to adapt to social selection, survival of the fittest.
It enables the programmer to easily query and modify navigational state information.
A real programmer either smoke two packs of cigarettes one day or never smoke at all.
我一天倒是抽两包烟了, 可是还不是一个真正的程序员。
They are all designed by a human programmer, and so is the geography of the labyrinth.
and improve on it, Or may choose to design his own entirely. Its up to the programmer.
和完善它, 或者可以选择自己完全设计。它是由程序员。
Rule of Economy Programmer time is expensive conserve it in preference to machine time.
Sometimes the programmer must be constantly aware of what type of manipulation is going on.
有些时候, 程序员必须时刻留意准备处理得是什么类型。
If a programmer plans to modify or customize a software package, the source code is essential.
After thousands of cycles of identifying and fixing mistakes, I became a very good programmer.
在成千上万次识别纠正错误的循环中, 我成了优秀的编程师。
Advance of information communicating between external programmer and implanted electrical device
Only then will a specialist programmer be able to study the viruss anatomy and find a signature.
只有在此之后, 病毒专家才能解析病毒并获得其编码。
More generally, how does a professional programmer about the task of writing one or original program
更普遍地讲, 职业的程序员如何编写原始程序呢
And you know what ? They're absolutely right solid, professional programmer without knowing much math.
The application program area is employed by the system programmer for implementing the control program.
Often one is expected to start out as a computer programmer before being promoted to software engineer.
Good process design skills and good data modelling skills are the foundations for being a good programmer.
There the 38-year-old programmer has created an effortless moneymaking scheme selling a variant of the 'domain names' that organize the Web's millions of addresses.

单词 programmer 释义

  • 单词释义:[计] 程序设计者;程序设计器;节目编排者;订计划者  [更多..]



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