单词 privilege 例句大全,用单词privilege造句:

Fitzgerald attributes the depravity of the modern dream to wealth and privilege.
A form of all fours in which the players bid for the privilege of naming trumps.
Allow to open secure registry keys when running under the administrator privilege.
允许打开安全的注册表项下执行时, 管理员的权限。
I once had the distinct privilege of sitting in on the Apple call center for a day.
Your interactive logon privilege has been disabled.Please contact your administrator.
The privilege of semiconductor policy falls to particular industry head not apparent.
Send one of them to court. She will have the privilege of attending the Queen Regent.
Fudge is somewhat weak, swayed by money and addicted to his own position and privilege.
And God gave Adam the privilege to name all the livestock, the beasts and birds created.
Again, the author elaborates the connotation of the system of relatives witness privilege.
The appetite for personal privilege shows that there are still lingering feudal influences.
prerogative a right or privilege especially a special right or privilege that some people have.
解说权利, 特权。
Having been born to privilege in old Hollywood, she was carrying on a family tradition by acting.
People with high rank, privilege, etc must accept the responsibilities that go with their position
The very concept of permanent membership with special power and privilege is totally anachronistic.
Are there adequate controls to prevent misappropriation and photocopying of privilege card vouchers?
Alongside coach Felix Magath he had the privilege to have an audience with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
President Bush and I have had such a special privilege of being able to represent the people of the United States.
One was supposed to consider himself fortunate to enjoy the privilege of spreading the gospel of FrancoAmerican amity.
我面前没有希望, 这份工作甚至连薪水也没有。
The powerful family hereditary scholar class has the privilege and is maintaining with the commoners the strict boundary.
First, the author elaborates the necessity of the construction of the system of relatives witness privilege in our country.
Joint owners or the lessee shall enjoy the same privilege of having priority in buying the real property in accordance with the law.
在同等条件下, 共有人或承租人依法享有优先购买权。
The Frequent Occurrences of Extorting Confessions by Torture against the Repeated Bans and the Establishment of the Privilege of Silence
Subsequently it was also authorized to issue bank notes in Singapore, a privilege it continued to exercise up until the end of the 19th Century.
Right, privilege, prerogative, perquisite, birthright These nouns apply to something, such as a power or possession, to which one has an established claim.
这些名词指某人享有既定的所有权的东西, 例如权力或财产。

单词 privilege 释义

  • 单词释义:特权;优惠;荣幸  [更多..]



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