单词 prose 例句大全,用单词prose造句:

In contemporary prose creation domain, Zong Pu's prose alone literary style characteristic.
On the confucianism and Artistic Features on the Prose in the End of Tang Dynasty and Wu Dai
On the Influence of Antithesis, Parallel Prose and Regulated Verse upon Antithetical Couplet.
Prose in the mundane, taste, beauty beauty, some highlights from the mundane to their beauty.
Brief Analysis on the Antitheses of Parallel Prose, Regulated Verses and Antithetical Couplets
Lin Yutang prosepoetry translation aesthetic modernity Anthology of Su Tungpos Prose and Poetry.
These allusions made his prose authoritative, persuasive, vivid, distinct, implicative, elegant.
这些典故使他的散文更具权威性, 更有说服力
Due to the lack of data, Chen Yizeng and his theories of prose are ignored by the academic circle.
This thesis discusses zero anaphora in Chinese prose from the perspective of syntax and semantics.
Writing parallel prose needs a lot of technique for example, you must pay attention to antithesis.
The inscriptive writings are attaches after the certain carrier the short nimble miscellany prose.
On the Narrative Functions of Versed Prose and the Participation of the Prose Writers in the Event
Writing parallel prose needs a lot of technique; for example, you must pay attention to antithesis.
He is studying the bianwen from Dun huang that features alternate prose, and rhyming lines recently.
On Aesthetics Features of the Descriptive Prose Interspersed with Verse of Ancient, Teasing and Civil
The paper discusses the main creative feature and the aesthetic value of the woman prose in the new era.
In the writing of old prose he approved of the naturalness and fluency and disapproved of the imitation.
He has published a prose collection Outside the Autumn Message and a book of poetry The Fragments of Dreams.
Those who do not appreciate the prose tradition find it mystifying because there is nothing functional about it.
那些不欣赏散文传统的人认为它故弄玄虚, 因为它毫无作用。
The second chapter analyzes the classicists comprehension and meditation on ancient prose and parallelist prose.
第二章分析经学家对古文与 骈文 得认识与思考。
Third, adhere to the idea of the poem speech will, in order to enrich the subject matter and content of the prose.
English prose falls into four categories expository prose, lyric prose, descriptive prose and philosophical prose.
英文散文大致分为四类说理文, 抒情文, 描述文和哲理文。
The Wrong Written Characters, Ancient and Nowadays Words, Words with Same Origins in Ancient Prose Educations in Secondary School
中专文言文中的通假字, 古今字与同源字
Its achievement should be mainly shown in the following several aspects First, the generous save that offered to the ancient Chinese prose.
Study on the Eight Great Prose Writers and Buddhism in Tang and Song Dynasty Studies of Female Parallel Prose Writers and Their Works in Qing Dynasty

单词 prose 释义

  • 单词释义:散文;单调,平凡;枯燥无味的话,无聊的议论  [更多..]



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