单词 prosecutor 例句大全,用单词prosecutor造句:

In conformity with the Chambers order, the Prosecutor presented a revised list of121 witnesses.
We would also like to take this opportunity to commend the Prosecutor for his outstanding work.
After an appeal by the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Oran court upheld the decision on appeal.
The suspect shall be immediately released if the prosecutor refuses to sign a warrant of arrest.
如检察官不签发拘票时, 应即将被拘提人释放。
The External Relations and Complementarity Unit provides these services to the Chief Prosecutor.
The Presiding Judge shall invite the Prosecutor and the defence to make their closing statements.
Before his election to that position he was the first Federal Prosecutor of the Kingdom of Belgium.
在当选此职位前, 他担任过比利时王国第一联邦检察官。
The Prosecutor shall nominate three candidates for each position of Deputy Prosecutor to be filled.
Therefore, it is not easy to find candidates for the posts in the Office of the Prosecutor in Arusha.
Annex II to the present report shows the new organizational structure of the Office of the Prosecutor.
The Prosecutor made similar gestureshe agreed that I was guilty, but denied extenuating circumstances.
Prosecutor, private prosecutor and advocate are not the subjects of the right to make a final statement.
One former federal prosecutor said that the Justice Department might avoid pressing charges against the bank.
一位前联邦检察官称, 司法部可能避免对高盛提出指控。
The Prosecutor has also appealed the judgement with respect to the acquittal of the accused of certain crimes.
We would like to urge that the Prosecutor continue to make intensive efforts to apprehend those still at large.
For this end, the Development Unit runs a small but very active training entity called the Prosecutor Academy.
The assistant works under the direct supervision of the Chief Prosecutor and performs the tasks provided by him.
In the French system, the presiding judge and the prosecutor are responsible for the administration of the court.
Persons failing to leave are liable, with the approval of the Prosecutor's Office, to detention and forced expulsion.
经检察官办公室批准, 须将未能离开者拘留并强制驱逐出境。
His chances do not seem good in view of the fact that the Chief Prosecutor has already voiced his public disapproval.
As at the closing of the extended nomination period, no nominations for the post of the Prosecutor had been received.
The Prosecutor plans to transfer to national jurisdictions up to five of those accused who are currently in detention.
The Working Group also met with representatives of the Office of the Prosecutor and the Association of Defence Counsel.
The role of the law enforcement agencies is crucial, including the Ministry of Interior, and the General Prosecutor's Office.
The Prosecutor will benefit greatly from the work of the Lebanese authorities and the Investigation Commission in that regard.
在这方面, 检察官可以借重黎巴嫩当局和调查委员会的工作。

单词 prosecutor 释义

  • 单词释义:起诉人;实行者;检举人  [更多..]



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