The bands can be quite diverse Industrial, Metal, Electronic, Punk and Goth.
乐队风格不限, 从工业到金属到电子到朋克到歌特。
New Wave punk by New Pants exist over a decade now and never stopped to rock!
潮朋克新裤子乐队已经成立了十年, 并且从未停止过摇滚!
The punk scene here does grate heavily on modern Chinese societys expectations.
把它放进塑料袋各尽冰箱就行, 如果需要也可以磨碎它。
Some people call it the baseball cap, while the punk crowd call it the dudette cap.
有人称之为棒球帽, 朋克一族则称它为鸭舌帽。
Assorted social culture is a combined result of street culture, realism and punk music style.
There are still a lot of people who still bill the band as punk even though it should be as rock.
A group of punk rockers walked by with orange spiked hair and tattoos covering much of their bodies.
他们的头发是桔黄色的, 一撮一撮地竖立, 身上刺满了文身。
Extinction of the punk spirit is as simple and understandable as one clothing style going out of fashion.