单词 public 例句大全,用单词public造句:

Undertake to what needing Electromechanical equipment to purchase home makes public invite public bidding now.
when they are contrary to morality or public order and,in particular,of such a nature as to deceive the public
The public public finance is a governmental allotment behavior, its direct body now the will of the government.
Constitute and execute the companys public relation plan, supervise actualization of public relation activities.
制定与执行公司公关计划, 监督实施公关活动。
Anita Mui is different form Elsie Leung. She is sick that does affect the public, it is only the public is nosy.
她不是公仆, 只是公众人物, 公众人物的私隐, 是应受保护的
The Department's Public Inquiries Unit continued to respond to queries from the public concerning decolonization.
when they are contrary to morality or public order and, in particular, of such a nature as to deceive the public.
According political principles and scientific reason, we destine negative public opinions as public opinions text.
认定负向舆论要看舆论文本, 其根据是政治原则和科学理性。
Thinking the Taditional Public System and the New Public System according to the Concept of Classical Public System
The Discussion on Improve the Undergraduate Students Public Relation Consciousness and Capability by Public Relation
Discretion power of public prosecution is the concrete expression of discretion powering the public prosecution area.
And mainly the nature of the administrative public domain properties of the focus of public and private law analysis.
Commonality is the substantial attribution of public policy, it will directly influence on the avail of public policy.
Intensifying the public order and management of cabs are the important component of social public order and management.
The judge is often regarded as the representative of the public and therefore should give heed to public opinions in law.
从法理上讲, 法官往往被认为是民意的代表, 应倾听民意
Accordingly, public transportation and preferential it is to point to actually big public transportation and preferential.
因此, 公交优先实际上是指大公交优先。
Stationary equipment installed by public or private enterprises for continuous drinking water supply to the general public
Public security administrative culture is the emphatic guarantee in building public security administration of service type.
The United Nations Bookshop is located in the Public Concourse under the supervision of the Department of Public Information.
On the Crime of Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and the Crime of Bribery of Official of a Public International Organization
论贿赂外国公职人员, 国际公共组织官员罪
Research on Public Recommendation and Public Election Conducted by Local Government Through the Perspective of Institutional Change
The western side of the cloister provided for public dealings, with the gatehouse controlling the only opening to the outer, public courtyard.
This is a classic case of a clash between public health and public security, said Loretta Wong, who heads the Hong Kongbased help group AIDS Concern.
The Shortcoming of Draft of the People's Republic of China Property Law in Carrying through Principle of Public Summons and Public Trust of Property Law
The funds for the evening schools come from the public revenue from superstition, from ancestral temple funds, and from other idle public funds or property.

单词 public 释义

  • 单词释义:平民;志趣相投的人  [更多..]



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