单词 richly 例句大全,用单词richly造句:

Ore bearing stratum contain richly pyrrhotite, pyrite, spessartine and dannemorite.
Eats richly including the Vitamin and mineral substance food, may help to encourage high.
多吃富含维生素和矿物质的食品, 可帮助长高。
Their speeches, richly embellished with allusions and quotations, captivated the audience.
他们妙文隽语,引经据典 令听者屏气敛息,拍案叫绝。
The finished garment is richly embroidered with sequins, beads, jewels, and other ornaments.
Northern countries are richly endowed with performing food sector, and overabundance of food.
Richly scanted dark berry and plum aroma with complex fruitcake, richness and resonantly depth.
Qingdao New Huan Plastic Machinery Plant is located in beautiful and richly endowed Jiaozhou Bay.
The compression and density make this a difficult book to read, but it richly rewards the effort.
The richly decorated shirt, with a lace frill at the front and wide lace cuffs, was also visible.
The countries that are poorest in black coal have been most richly endowed by nature with white coal.
Richly detailed interiors are perfectly complemented by a choice of international and Indian cuisine.
On all sides of the shrine are richly ornamented columns and beams and sculptures of guarding warriors.
神龛外雕梁画栋, 仪仗罗列。
Missing and richly likes like the oil painting being sincere, has fallen in love with this old city for you.
思念如油画般厚重, 为你爱上了这座城。
I compare with the richly bedecked noblemen the millions of the poor. And I feel like saying to these noblemen, ?

单词 richly 释义

  • 单词释义:丰富地;富裕地;完全地  [更多..]



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