单词 ridiculous 例句大全,用单词ridiculous造句:

It was absolutely ridiculous for her to accept that job for such a little pay.
Nicks Explanation Nick A bribe How can anybody believe such a ridiculous thing
In the changed world of the21st century, that story already sounds ridiculous.
It was ridiculous, but those were the kind of things you did to amuse yourself.
这很可笑, 但这是你娱乐自己的一种方式。
The education secretary was pilloried in the press for his ridiculous decision.
Blaming guns for crime is as ridiculous as blaming pencils for misspelled words.
With shorter laces, the bows can be made smaller to avoid looking too ridiculous!
But in some cases, blaming a bad shot on your clubs may not be ridiculous at all.
Teen Dont be ridiculous, Mom. Birds cant fly that fast. It was probably a bullet.
Well, this woman belonged to the bartender, and my girlfriend was being ridiculous.
然而, 这个女的只是酒保而已, 我女朋友却很好小。
The crowd laugh an guffaw as soon as they see the ridiculous manner of the buffoon.
I think that is the most ridiculous statement that anyone could make in this Assembly.
Often, to make people laugh, clowns pretend to be dumb, or they say ridiculous things.
I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous, undignified fashion.
No. And in the future I would appreciate you keeping your ridiculous ideas to yourself.
This ridiculous scene in the boiling point on the network television channel New Books!
adj. absurd insane quixotic preposterous loony irrational ridiculous unreasonable unsound
二十七, 荒唐, 不合理性
They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details.
In the film The Core they dont disembark at the centre of the Earth, thats just ridiculous.
在影片地心末日中他们没有下到地核中心, 那真荒谬。
That's absolutely ridiculous! mary interjected, refusing to listen to the rest of his suggestions.
Can not be achieved this ridiculous language, silently watching you, never to see achieved forever!
不能实现这荒谬的语言, 默默注视你, 永不见。
Although she felt that she was being very fashionable, she appeared utterly ridiculous in the outfit.
虽然她自觉非常时髦, 但是那身打扮令她丑态百出。
He considered it was ridiculous for the general manager to attach so much importance to daily routines.
AMBITION, n. An overmastering desire to be vilified by enemies while living and made ridiculous by friends when dead.
Today was the first time it wasn’t a headache going through US customs. The customs officer actually wasn’t grumpy and didn’t ask me a bunch of ridiculous questions. A sign of a good day lol

单词 ridiculous 释义

  • 单词释义:荒谬的;愚蠢的;可笑的  [更多..]



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