单词 rosette 例句大全,用单词rosette造句:

The Rosette Nebula itself, and its massive cluster of stars, is located to the right of the picture.
In another embodiment, a virtual plane is perpendicular to the direction of motion of a camera rosette.
在另一实施例中, 虚拟平面垂直于照相机花饰的运动方向。
Application of the rosette assay for screening of monoclonal antibodies to tumor cell membrane molecules
Miniature left shoulder stock side, with its sculpted rosette and leaves enhancing the beauty of the gun.
Actinomycetes and fungi showed a constantly increasing tendency from the rosette stage to the maturestage.
Occasionally, a rosette of small centrilobular nodules may be visible, surrounding the centrilobular artery.
The methods of estimating the minimum allowed value of IFOV of the detector in a rosette scan system are investigated.
He was dressed in a blue frockcoat, buttoned up to the chin, and wore at his buttonhole the rosette of an officer of the Legion of Honor.
他身穿蓝色披风, 钮孔上挂着荣誉团军官的玫瑰花形徽章。
Compared seed yield with low S supply at each period, the critical peroid of S nutrition was during rosette while the most efficient period was during flowering.

单词 rosette 释义

  • 单词释义:玫瑰花结;蔷薇花饰;圆花饰  [更多..]



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