单词 row 例句大全,用单词row造句:

Methods that operate on rows take row index arguments rather than row instances.
Single row angular contact ball bearings can accommodate radial and thrust loads.
The closer the score is to 1, the more closely the row matches the canonical row.
The acoustics were so good that people in the last row could hear the speaker well.
这音响效果如此好, 最后一排的人都能清楚地听到演说者。
The middle room is a long row table for researchers access the information purposes.
屋子中间是一长排桌子, 供研究者查阅资料之用。
This provoked a furious row, and Cuming accused me of becoming too big for my boots.
Trapped from behind by their own men, row after row of hapless Persians are impaled.
In the first variation, writing a row means inserting a brand new row into the table.
Effect of Row Directions and Row Spacing on Illumination and Yield of Wheat Colonics.
This event is often used to modify the contents of a row when the row is bound to data.
Atoms of a row are comfortable in each trough between the atoms of the neighbouring row.
Single row deep groove ball bearings have only limited ability to accommodate misalignment.
The pearl type lauric acid diethanolamide was synthesized using lauric acid as row material.
In addition Ramos had to deal with the row over Daniel Alves's proposed transfer to Chelsea.
Adding or changing rows to a related table if there is no associated row in the primary table.
Is thrown when invoking the following methods to access a row in a table that has no primary key.
Effect of Row Spacing and Plant Acreage and basal Fertilizer on Tassel of Ryegrass and Couch Grass
Application of Double row Cylindrical Roller Bearing on Finial of High Accuracy Heavy Turning Support
The magnificent architectural complex, novel combinations of buildings, row upon row, generous style.
宏伟之建筑群, 新颖之组合楼, 鳞次栉比, 大方气派。
Note that the child controls no longer flow to the next row. Instead, they are moved to the first row and clipped.
And they set in it four rows of stones the first row was a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle this was the first row.
Updates of key values from outside the cursor resemble a delete of the old row followed by an insert of the new row.
Strength Calculation of the Header with Nonequal Diameter Opening Row by the Calculating Program for the Equal Diameter Opening Row
This property is commonly used when you need to programmatically manipulate the bottom pager row, for example when adding custom content.
Eye Skin Row Poison Oil Neroli Sandalwood fennel Activate a skin, cancellation toxin, and alleviate the eye department the skin incidence.
活化眼部肌肤, 消除毒素, 减轻眼部肌肤负担。

单词 row 释义

  • 单词释义:一排/列/行;一排座位;划船;街,路;纠纷,争执,吵闹  [更多..]



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