单词 saber 例句大全,用单词saber造句:

I got a light saber, of course, and then I had to keep my boots.
Is this kind of saber produced from Guangxi? Mine is from Guilin!
I remember playing as a lad in France burying my little toy saber.
The statement calls on Iranian leaders to give Saber a fair trial.
American fencers swept the womens Olympic individual saber medals,.
Team Saber instinctively dropped to a crouch. Ash pulled his sidearm.
A curved oriental saber, the edge is on the convex side of the blade.
一种弯曲的东方马刀, 边缘在刃的突起处。
Using Technology Analysis of Chinese Excellent Saber Player ZHONG Man
When the film was played back, the saber blade would magically appear.
Dai saber bronze figures of imperial officers in the former sitting room.
I recognize the saber. It belonged to Zor Vlahu. This is not a real lord!
Brothers great saber which has ridden the whirlwind was cleared up freshly!
Analysis to Practical Application of Compound Attack Tactic In Saber Competition
Use spring balance, both convenient and after all the great saber over 15 Jin is few.
用弹簧秤, 又方便携带又反正超过15斤的大刀毕竟是少数。
I see it first time. Thanks for share! The fittings like Tibetan saber to some extent.
第一次见, 谢谢分享!装具感觉有点像藏刀啊。
Without moving the body, extend the saber to the right with maximum force and rapidity.
Very good! I have a Burman saber with silver fittings. I will post it and take a compare.
很好!我也有把银装缅刀, 稍后发图比较一下。
Star Saber and his elite guard defeat Magmatron's inner circle. The rebellion is crushed.
Those who have a waist saber with feathery pattern on the blade can post it for me?Thanks!
The ground tilted and cracked.Team Saber retreated into the tunnel and debris rained over them.
The dictator marched his troups and tanks along the border of our country and did some saber ratting.
Have the troopers attack them to the right front in the position of charge saber, at the walk, trot, and school gallop.
让骑兵从右前方向他们以各种速度冲锋, 图38。
Eight Flag kiosk in Shenyang Palace, with Qing waist saber scutcheon, Long Jian.The condition is limited, so cant take more clear pics.
沈阳故宫八旗亭的, 标牌清腰刀, 长剑。条件所限, 拍不到细图。
Really? Two hundred thousand years of human evolution, and it still can't tell the difference between a saber tooth tiger and 18 folksingers.
不信?经过二十万年人类进化 它却分不清剑齿虎和

单词 saber 释义

  • 单词释义:军刀;马刀;(击剑时用的)尖细的轻剑;武力威胁  [更多..]



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