单词 sacrifice 例句大全,用单词sacrifice造句:

The aboe adantages pertain to essentially all the procedures that do not sacrifice bone stock.
The large plaque to the back of the cabinet depicting the sacrifice of Iphigenia by Agamemnon.
The pain and the struggle the agony and sacrifice. It was all worth it, wasnt it Congratulations.
This is a selfless sacrifice by the Government and people of South Africa in the search for peace.
Christs love is sacrifice, sanctifying and satisfying. Christ nourishes the Church and cherishes it.
The Mausoleum Sacrifice and Its Influences Upon the Ancestral Shrine Sacrifice During the Han Dynasty
The acceptance of shame is the greatest sacrifice, and the deepest shame is the prelude to resistance.
On Memorial Day we honor the men in our armed forces who made the supreme sacrifice for their country.
The problem with him was that he was willing to sacrifice principles too easily for political advantage.
The history of peacekeeping has been one of distinguished collective accomplishment and personal sacrifice.
The second chapter mainly concerns the occurrence of the poems on sacrifice to ancestors in the Shang Dynasty.
And afterwards shall come to know his sin, he shall offer a buck goat without blemish, a sacrifice to the Lord.
The mooncakes were used to be the sacrifice offered to the moon when people went outside to admire the fair moon.
古时, 月饼是人们中秋赏月时的供品。
When the artifact being Ablation have four or more ablation counter on it, its controller sacrifice this artifact.
当受侵蚀的神器有四个侵蚀指示物时, 其操控者牺牲之。
When you sacrifice a thank offering to the Lord, sacrifice it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf.
你们献感谢祭给耶和华, 要献给可蒙悦纳。
Second, unorthodox folk sacrifice was abolished to protect the development and improvement of agricultural productivity.
As long as you will be able to cultivate a flower, it is alright to sacrifice yourself to be a rottenable decaying grass.
My grandfather always prepares the joss sticks and candles in advance every time we go to make a sacrifice to our ancestors.
This kind of folk sacrifice accelerated the transformation of Li Jing from a historical talent to a Taoist supernatural being.
By the term human sacrifice, we mean executing people and afterwards interring them in a pit in order to worship the ancestors.
Moreover the man whom king Antiochus had sent, who compelled them to sacrifice, he slew at the same time, and pulled down the altar.
Make an altar of earth for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle.
As it was taken off from the bullock of the sacrifice of peace offerings and the priest shall burn them upon the altar of the burnt offering.
与平安祭公牛上所取的一样, 祭司要把这些烧在燔祭的坛上。
Adults are busy putting scrolls of cloth in preparation for a sacrifice, but the children are still playing. They probably don't know what has happened.
If you set a fully equipped army in march in order to snatch an advantage, the chances are that you will be too late. On the other hand, to detach a flying column for the purpose involves the sacrifice of its Baggage and stores.

单词 sacrifice 释义

  • 单词释义:牺牲;舍弃;祭品  [更多..]



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