单词 lottery 例句大全,用单词lottery造句:

I to run a lottery sales point to ask how to apply and how the proceeds.
我想办个彩票销售点, 请问怎么申请和收益如何。
The beggar went from rags to riches overnight after winning the lottery.
这个乞丐赢了乐透后, 一夕之间从穷人变成富人。
Research on the Wei Seng Lottery in Canton and Macau in Late Qing Dynasty
The man bought a lot of lottery tickets on the chance of winning a fortune.
You would have the chance to buy a house – supposing you won the lottery.
Come and join the lottery shopping. You may have a chance of Being amply rewarded.
欢迎参加本店有奖购物活动, 给您一次获得重奖得机会。
New Hampshire created the first legal American state lottery in the twentieth century.
There are warnings about attempts to cheat people in connection with the visa lottery.
Kevin knew winning the lottery was a long shot, but he bought a lottery ticket anyway.
Studies have been carried out on people who acquired sudden wealth, as lottery winners.
研究针对是那些突然获得财富的人, 如中了彩券的人。
Commonality Essence of the Commonweal Fund of Chinese Lottery and Managing Optimization
It turns out people think when they win the lottery their lives are going to be amazing.
Discussion on the Impact of the Welfare Lottery Policy on Lottery Players and Countermeasures
Research on the Cognition Bias of the Problem Gambling in the Consumption of the Sports Lottery
The first lottery offer cash prizes probably originated in Florence, Italy, in the 16 th century.
Therefore, we must require jackpot winners to participate in a media event arranged by the Lottery.
因此我们会安排媒体见面会, 并要求大奖得主出席。
The Effects of Lottery Prizes on Winners and Their Neighbors Evidence from the Dutch Postcode Lottery
After the process checking's questionnaire returns the dealer achievement to pull out the lottery ticket.
Private lottery is a case in point and has increasingly become a barrier to the development of public lottery.
The usage of the public welfare fund from lottery ticket sales directly depends on the purpose of lottery sales.
The proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation, as well as swelling the coffers of the government.
As he bought the lottery ticket he had a premonition that he was going to win a big prize, and sure enough it came true.
With the approval of the general office of the state council, a Billion yuan sports lottery will be staged this year and next year
With the approval of the general office of the state council, a billion yuan sports lottery will be staged this year and next year
So I think that casino and lottery stocks--issues like Scientific Games Holdings Corp., Mirage Resorts Inc. and Mandalay Resort Group--are good bets.

单词 lottery 释义

  • 单词释义:彩票;碰运气的事  [更多..]



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