单词 lucrative 例句大全,用单词lucrative造句:

One lucrative strategy is to take a big bet on a booming economy.
一个有利可图的策略是, 把大宝压在越发繁荣的经济上。
The reason is simple The animal trade is more lucrative than ever.
But the business they have conquered is less lucrative as a result.
For most of the postwar period, the arrangement was highly lucrative.
战后的大多时间里, 此举带来了高额利润。
That, and the fact that the practice had become so lucrative for Congress.
并且, 国会从中牟利已成既定事实。
Mars in perfect angle to Jupiter also points to the same lucrative results.
Uncertain get rich quick schemes will not be as lucrative as you anticipate.
Britain also took tighter control over the increasingly lucrative oilfields.
First offers, no matter how lucrative, must be met with a dispassionate eye.
第一轮出价, 不论多么有利可图, 一定要冷静面对。
A welltested warhead design is both easier to hawk and more lucrative to sell.
一套经过测试的核弹头设计既容易拿来兜售, 也更有利可图。
Casual games are extremely popular and very lucrative, and its easy to see why.
休闲游戏十分流行, 而且发展空间巨大, 原因很显然。
Could the most lucrative investment portfolio you own be hiding in your closet?
Everybody is contending for this lucrative job, but he shows the least interest.
不少人都在争夺这个肥差, 他却毫不动心。
Work that doesnt engage a person is not rewarding no matter how lucrative it is.
At the time he said he would like the group to focus more on lucrative luxury goods.
Prizes the bright costumes and quaint villages of the Dai as a lucrative tourism draw
Maybe you derive pleasure from a hobby that you can turn into a lucrative enterprise.
Chelsea skipper John Terry is set to open talks over a new lucrative deal at Stamford Bridge.
Farmers abandoned the land for more lucrative employment in the booming construction industry.
It is more lucrative to send her to slaughter and replace her. Her body will be sold as ground beef.
That is sobering for anybody tempted to chop down rainforest and plant something more immediately lucrative.
It would be long indeed ere you would find so lucrative a post as that you have how the good fortune to fill.
giving top executives lucrative benefits that must be paid by the acquirer if they are discharged after a takeover.

单词 lucrative 释义

  • 单词释义:获利多的,赚钱的;合算的  [更多..]



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