单词 mace 例句大全,用单词mace造句:

The mace had little practical use other than in combat against other humans.
The sincere natural disposition is the Assassins mace which becomes friends.
The Mace and Poleaxe Specialization talents in the Arms tree will be removed.
Short mace, shorter than two feet. Do you descry what stuff the dragon head is.
I dont understand. You very like this kind mace, why not ask Laoliang directly.
Mace Specialization this talent now grants haste in addition to armor penetration.
锤类武器专精 现在除护甲穿透外还提供急速。
Equip the mace and find something really useful. well, useful for MGS fans, anyway.
后面还有。懒得翻译了。买的盘子居然读不出来, 我简直要哭了。
Mace of Sauron, which he uses in the prologue scenes in The Fellowship of the Ring.
Mr. and Mrs. Mace walk around the track with exaggerated and ridiculous arm motions.
Favouring a light lance and mace, they fill the niche between light and heavy cavalry.
他们装备轻型骑枪和狼牙棒, 战力介于轻型和重型骑兵之间。
The style of this iron mace is simple and grand, is it gold and silver gilding on surface?
这只铁锏的造型设计古朴庄重, 表面似曾鎏金银否?
Mace. The fibrous network which envelops the nutmeg seed constitutes the mace of commerce.
These knights are from noble families, are well trained and equipped with a lance and mace.
These soldiers are equipped with a mace and shield and wear heavy mail armour for protection.
Though Asajj was outmatched and fled, Mace Windu reported this new threat to the Jedi Council.
Look at the ancient mace in Liao dynasty auctioned in Canada auction meeting by brother Wudao before.
It may be folk weapon.Is it the socalled 18 types of weaponAnd is it Grasp among scourge,mace and hammer
Supremely skilled warriors who excel in armed combat and horse riding, they are armed with a lance and mace.
Very heavily armoured and equipped with a lance and mace, although somewhat outdated they are still formidable troops.
铁甲圣骑兵手持骑枪和狼牙棒, 尽管战术陈旧, 但仍颇为恐怖。

单词 mace 释义

  • 单词释义:权杖;狼牙棒(古代兵器);肉豆蔻干皮;肉豆蔻种衣(用作香料)  [更多..]



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