单词 magistrate 例句大全,用单词magistrate造句:

One day a man went to the magistrate to lodge a complaint against the secretary.
一天, 有人到王鲁这儿控告他的主簿。
The forbearance of the magistrate in these instances was certainly wise and just.
And you tell me this magistrate expressed great sympathy and commiseration for you?
The boy had to appear before a magistrate but he got off as it was his first offence.
那男孩不得不出庭受审, 但因为是初犯而未受惩罚。
At last he managed to whisper a request for water, but the magistrate refused angrily.
Magistrate seems to be different for each computer to calculate the time stoppage time.
In his capacity as a DPP member, Tsai openly supported Wong in the magistrate election.
他同时以民进党员的身份, 公开表示支持翁重钧。
The magistrate is going to make an inspection tour, the guards are clearing the streets.
Magistrate said the defendent had never disclosed who was the mastermind behind the move.
裁判官表示, 被告始至终都没有透露背后是否有人指使。
The secretary's crimes were almost the same as the crimes the magistrate himself committed.
The ex-magistrate of the county has been transferred to a post in the municipal government.
The magistrate refused to grant bail pending appeal and ordered that Sze be jailed immediately.
裁判官拒绝给予保释, 等候上诉, 并下令立即将史监禁。
After 39,the Qing Emperor Kangxi years,and the Taiping magistrate Xu continuing the two layers.
Subsequent to indictments and arrests, the examining magistrate deals with the individual cases.
I am again called upon by the voice of my country to execute the functions of its Chief Magistrate.
Arriving at Wuling County, the fisherman called on the magistrate to report what he had seen there.
乃郡下, 诣太守说如此。
A magistrate may issue a warrant authorizing an authorized officer to enter and search the premises.
裁判司则可发出令状, 授权获授权人员进入及搜查该楼宇。
Provided that a magistrate shall not issue such a warrant except on information in writing and on oath.
但除非接宣誓而作的面告, 否裁判官不得出手令。
Because they couldn't agree on a solution, the two men traveled to the palace to seek the magistrate's help.
The appeal court reduce the fine impose by the magistrate or reduce the sentence to seven year imprisonment.
Though the county magistrate is a post of seventh rank, after all, it is an official appointed by imperial court.
The magistrate stressed that a deterrent sentence was required to prevent other people from manipulating elections.
In the meantime, we can find the exact time when Du Shenyan took the position of the magistrate's assistant of Luoyang.
A magistrate or court may order that the dangerous goods be forfeited to the crown and thereafter disposed of in such manner as he thinks fit.
The magistrate criticize the lawless behaviour of the football crowd. Violations of the law and breaches of discipline are not to be connived at.

单词 magistrate 释义

  • 单词释义:地方法官,治安官;文职官员;治安推事  [更多..]



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