单词 meat 例句大全,用单词meat造句:

Code of Hygienic Practice for Registration on Abattoir and Meat Processing Establishment
Meanwhile Meat Bone Meal is brown powder using fresh bovine bone and meat as raw material.
Exactly. Ash Wednesday is observed by fasting, abstinence from eating meat, and repentance.
Imported cooked or dried meat or imported meat which has been otherwise treated or prepared
Effective acceleration is fatty to burn, eliminate the extra superfluous meat of human body.
That country laid an embargo on the importation of foreign meat and prices rose accordingly.
Eat meat and fish cooked over a flame only occasionally, and don't eat charred meat and fish.
Determination of Copper and Zinc in Fish Brain and Fish Meat by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry.
When you have poured off the fat left in the meat fin, add a little flour to thicken the meat juices.
As for proponents of meat eating, absorption of nourishment is the major reason for them to have meat.
对食荤的支持者来说, 吸收营养是他们吃肉的主要原因。
He believes in Buddhism, recites Buddhist scriptures, and abstains from eating meat and fish year round.
Particularly suitable as an accompaniment for white meat or grilled lamb and for terrines of vegetables.
A study on characteristic of muscle fatty acid and amino acid of lean meat type strain Gansu Black Swine
Bacteriological sampling in slaughterhouses and at premises producing minced meat and meat preparations.
The lamb meat has some characteristics,such as much lean meat,little fat,delicious taste and good digestion.
Slightly frozen meat is often easier to slice into very thin strips in this way than meat at room temperature.
Reduce red meat consumption and replace with poultry, fish and learn cuts of red meat, once a week at most.
the meat grinder of politics destroyed his reputation or allied forces crumbled before the Wehrmacht meat grinder.
Meat processing machine industry should promote the beneficial and abolish the harmful, conform the resource to develop
肉类机械应兴利除弊, 整合资源求发展
Symptom and so on abdominal pain, diarrhea, lumbago, painful menstruation people are also best little eat the duck meat.
At the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, Aaron and his sons are to eat the meat of the ram and the bread that is in the basket.
Plain saute Powdered and fry As shrimp meat filling As shrimp cake material Cooked shrimp meat can be put directly into salad.
Erythrodermic its yellow flesh, delicious meat, steamed meat after the skin split open, the scent named after assail the nostrils.
因其红皮黄肉, 肉质鲜美, 蒸熟后皮开肉裂, 香味扑鼻而得名。
When he saw the crow standing on the branch with the meat in his mouth, he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat.
salad dressing mayonnaise salad dressing mayonnaise meat cold mixed meat cold mixed meat cold meat and sausage cold ham with vegetables.

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