单词 meantime 例句大全,用单词meantime造句:

At the meantime, Phono Solar starts the PV power station construction, investment and operation actively.
In the meantime, machining craft also is decision hutch ark whether an element of environmental protection.
In the meantime, 16cases with the same tooth defect were restored by applying fission nail inlay golden alloy.
In the meantime, the influence to anionic stability and surface activity of the crystal size were investigated.
同时, 研究了晶体大小对晶格离子稳定性和表面活性的影响。
In the meantime, spend contemporarily with white implement will mediate with shutter too depressing atmosphere.
In the meantime, outstanding to agonistic organization job unit beard and hair is outstanding constituent award.
同时, 对竞赛组织工作突出的单位须发优秀组织奖。
In the meantime, the military drawdown of ONUB has proceeded in accordance with its adjusted withdrawal schedule.
In the meantime, you also are aware that life is gradually depleted like a brook being soaked into the Gobi Desert.
这也是生命在慢慢耗竭, 像涓涓细流慢慢渗没在广漠的戈壁。
Meantime, it can connect with the external attendance system and provide functions of data attendance and data inputs.
同时可与外部考勤系统相连, 供数据考勤数据导入功能。
In the meantime, we can find the exact time when Du Shenyan took the position of the magistrate's assistant of Luoyang.
but we'll part ways as friends, when he gets up to go to the bathroom, and in the meantime the bill comes to our table.
但再见 还可以是朋友 他去趟 洗手间 帐单也来了
In the meantime, network literature still should learn slow come down, exuviate goes the stink of money and blundering.
同时, 网络文学还应该学会慢下来, 蜕去铜臭与浮躁。
In the meantime, want problem of bequeath of pair of among them disorders, history, difference to adjust lowermost level.
In the meantime, the insurance cost of airframe war risk that the add since October 1 keeps this year rises substantially.
When pulled to tremble to move an empty bamboo, each pronounced in the meantime, high male, the voice went into cloud form.
Also does the instructive elucidation and research for the newly arisen technique of the information fusion in the meantime.
Under his conductor, 80 big guns take aim at the British armys battlefield to carry on bombard with artillery in the meantime.
在他的指挥下, 80门大炮同时瞄准英军的阵地进行炮轰。
In the meantime, the author hopes that this thesis can be helpful to other workers of scientific and technological management.
In the meantime the colleague whom each factory house and business agent and our company reach an amity cooperation is welcome!
Meantime, the powder material is gradually granulized in dry air and the volatilized water content is discharged by blower fan.
物料凝聚成粒并干燥, 挥发水分由风机排出。
These patients in two groups were used glucocorticoids adequately in the meantime during petechiae appeared on patients eyelids.
After necrosis of the Wu worked properly a warrior to cut up rough in the meantime, three hurtled to come over toward me attach.
身后的亡灵战士同时愤怒了, 三个一起朝着我冲了过来。
In the meantime, the person of frequent seminal emission also should be careful this kind sleeps appearance accentuation illness.
同时, 频繁遗精的人也要当心这种睡姿加重病情。
In the meantime, send student vehicular traffic the safe hidden danger development adjoin greatly the bank check to greatly manage.
In the meantime, summary gave to do well crops for rotation holds the experience with complementary advantage of joint manage interplanting.
同时, 总结出了一套搞好茬口衔接合理套种优势互补的经验。

单词 meantime 释义

  • 单词释义:n.其间,其时;adv.其间  [更多..]



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