单词 medlar 例句大全,用单词medlar造句:

This paper discussed how to make beverage use peanut, red date, longan and medlar.
Contrast Analysis of the Component in Medlar Fruit Wine Fermented by Fresh Fruit and Dry Fruit
The product has a good flavor and a nice taste with the combined flavor of wine and medlar fruits.
成品酒色纯正, 口感醇厚, 酒香和枸杞果香融为一体。
The industrialization of Ningxia medlar develops, will bring rich and generous duty source for Ningxia.
宁夏枸杞的产业化发展, 将为宁夏带来丰厚的税源。
Tea of a cup of medlar is drunk first after getting up in the morning, filling gas raises the effect of the body.
Having the characteristic flavor of medlar and chrysanthemum, the final product was satisfactory organoleptically.

单词 medlar 释义

  • 单词释义:n.[植]欧楂,欧楂属植物,欧楂果  [更多..]



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