In the beginning of the Book of Matthew, there is a long list of Jesus'genealogy.
在马太福音一开头, 就列下了耶稣的家谱。
In her new home, she frequently finds herself in conflict with her Uncle Matthew.
在新家, 她发现自己经常和叔叔马修发生矛盾。
Impact of the Military Reserve Activation on Police Staffing By Matthew J. Hickman
Matthew released my sister and walked around to address me with a few stiff words.
Matthew Arnold has suggested that we might take a lesson from the heavenly bodies.
阿诺德曾经提议, 我们尽可从天体撷取教训。
Where did Jesus appear to his disciples after his resurrection according to Matthew ?
This is the second time that Matthew has been hauled up on a dangerous driving charge.
At home, Matthew plays the tape and hears Tom's voice again, desperately pleading for help.
马修在家里再次放那卷带子, 也又一次听到了汤姆的声音。
He was given the task of painting a picture of St Matthew for the alter of a church in rome.
Does anybody happen to know what that comes out in Matthew, it's in the Sermon on the Mount?
Matthew McKnight hopes nobody manages to top his feat in the Guinness Book of World Records.
But Matthew also believes that he and his fellow disciples in his church should be that way too.
Our series of practical garden projects continues with building a wildlife bench. By Matthew Wilson
Matthew and his wife lived many peaceful years and enjoyed telling the story of the Great Carbuncle.
Jacobson, Matthew Frye. Whiteness of a Different Color European Immigrants and the Alchemy of Race. 1996.
Matthew Goldstein, a mathematician, has shifted the focus back towards higher standards amid considerable controversy.
And Matthew and Thomas and James the son of Alphaeus and Simon, who was called Zealot, Matius dan Tomas, Yakobus anak Alfeus, dan Simon yang disebut orang Zelot,.