单词 matter 例句大全,用单词matter造句:

Abstract Earthworms have the capacity to ingest organic materials and to defecate calibrated matter.
摘要蚯蚓具有吞食有机物质, 并将其以颗粒状排出的功能。
The atomic theory of matter is so abstract that it can be fully understood only by advanced students.
原子论高深莫测, 只有高级学者才能完全理解。
As a matter of fact, many exceptional people do not necessarily have an impressive academic background.
On custom applications can be divided into general Qupai, red Qupai matter white matter Qupai dedicated.
The organic matter abundance of sedimentary rock is low, and there is basically no effective source rock.
You will experience a sense of Abundance and Wellbeing, no matter what your financial situation might be.
The pathological damage to the gray matter of spinal cord was more serious than that of the white matter.
Nevertheless, the CPSC is still investigating the matter, according to a person familiar with the matter.
fair Injures someone the matter not to be possible to do, benefits others the matter multifulfillments.
We've been informed of every detail of this matter, and we will investigate it to the best of our ability.
Research Progress in Metal Oxides for the Abatement of Particulate Matter from Diesel Vehicle Exhaust gases
Study on the density method for determining the absolute dry matter content of Larix gmelini tannin extracts
The matter under request for notarization is a matter of professional technical authentication or assessment.
In truth, this matter, absolute being emperor actually don't know, I just elevator to come to toward you just!
Low density of grey matter of temproral lobe, sulci narrowing or disappearance and unclear grey matter margin.
And it was not a matter of nuance. It was a matter of doing everything one could to turn that situation around.
这不是小事, 这是要竭尽全力来扭转的大事。
Matter's leading a matter can after have realize, oneself's apparently too many matters, drill an ox horn point.
事过之后能有所察觉, 似乎自己太多事了, 钻了牛角尖。
The unit or organ that accepts the matter transferred shall notify the said supervisory organ of how the matter is handled.
In all other cases, the matter will be dealt with as expeditiously as may be possible depending on the complexities of the matter.
All shareholders with conflict of intersts with respect to those of the corporation have a duty to abstain from voting in any such matter.
This thesis presents an introduction of the significant study on dissolved organic matter pools and particle organic matter in seaice systems.
A Preliminary Report on the Accumulated Mineralization of Organic Matter in Latosolic Red Earths and the Balance Forecast of Soil Organic Matter
Microfracture Occurrence and Its Significance to the Hydrocarbons Expulsion in Source Rocks with High Organic Matter Abundance, Dongying Depression
Well I think that we should always call matter time matter or matter of time so that we never for a moment forget its essential temporality and essential changefulness.
Thanks to pressure from the growing Internet appliance market which uses alternative browsers and platforms as a matter of practicality it soon won't matter at all which browser you use.

单词 matter 释义

  • 单词释义:事情;事态;关乎…的问题;材料;物质  [更多..]



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