单词 maybe 例句大全,用单词maybe造句:

I thought maybe afterwards we could have a little dinner, maybe some dancing.
品完酒后,我们可以吃顿晚餐 再跳个舞之类的。
Maybe bugs or spiders. Maybe something with a lot of skinny legs in the dark.
Ada But maybe those guys are to blame! You've only heard one side of the story.
Curt And, maybe not. Maybe she just wants to tell me shes not interested in me.
With goals, maybe you will not achieve them, but without them, you must be lost.
有目标不一定赢, 但没有目标一定会输。
Maybe the cold war isn't about hate, maybe it's about fear, fear of the unknown.
Maybe an achievement of love just happens on impulse, or to block the whole life.
也许爱情的成就不过是一瞬间的冲动, 或者是一辈子的牵拌!
Absolutely nothing at all, I'm afraid, sir. Maybe you should try asking McCormack?
Absolutely nothing at all, I'm afraid, sir. Maybe you should try asking McCormack ?
长官, 我怕我没什么知道得。也许你该去问问麦考麦?
I think Mr. Zhang has acute cholecystitis, maybe cholangitis and gallbladder stone.
我认为张先生是急性胆囊炎, 可能还有胆管炎, 胆囊结石。
From his accent we can infer that he maybe from the lower reaches of the Yangze River.
So I would guess that the actual origin goes back at least that far and maybe further.
It is purported to, maybe, prevent some complications of flu and maybe shorten duration.
它声称, 也许, 防止一些并发症的禽流感和可能缩短。
Maybe with Microsoft adding it in, the other browser makers will finally get on the ball.
也许与微软在增加, 其他浏览器厂商将最终得到的球。
Leave the excess packaging at the checkout and maybe, just maybe they'll get the message.
Maybe the veggies youre adding to your pasta sauce could also be served up in a veggie pita.
或许, 你要放到面酱里得蔬菜, 在素食皮塔饼里就有。
The saints are always taking everyone doing in his best as the best, so nobody maybe abandon.
圣人永远人尽其才为善, 因此没有人被忘记。
It was then that someone, maybe Taliban, maybe not, set off the explosives wound in his turban.
然而就在那时, 袭击者引爆了缠在头巾中的炸弹。
Maybe the ascites was because of tumor metastases in abdominal cavity, then it was cancerous ascites.
也可能是肿瘤复发转移到腹腔, 癌性腹水,
Acting an unreliable profession, so maybe you should consider other career paths that may interest you.
Maybe ever, maybe never, it will not be forever! If you wanna fly high, youd better forget the skyline.
Additional sutures maybe placed through the hole located at the white connector at the distal end of the ventricular catheter.
Conclusions Paranasal sinus diseases maybe easier to encroach upon the orbit, exophthalmos maybe the first symptom that we can found.
Maybe I wanted to be so successful and so able to take responsibility that I would do so and I would be able to take care of my attending's patients.
也许我太想 可以独当一面,可以不需要 和我的主治沟通
Maybe I had just better begin to flush them down the toilet.Maybe I had better tear them to pieces and throw them into the toilet and flush them down.

单词 maybe 释义

  • 单词释义:也许;可能;大概  [更多..]



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