单词 medal 例句大全,用单词medal造句:

Facing the snafu life, puts down Asian Li even think sells off that precious gold medal.
面对一团糟的生活, 平亚丽甚至想过变卖那块宝贵的金牌。
It will be the stage for the opening ceremony, the athletics events and the medal awards.
This week his actions earned him the medal of honor, the militarys highest award for valor.
The souvenir medal is made of pure silver, adopting the embossment color printing technology.
Teresa Edwards has taken a solitary approach to her pursuit of another basketball gold medal.
This year, he won a medal of commendation for contributions to the academy and movie industry.
Peak every gold medal lecturer training has a very rich management experience in actual combat.
The public waters competition also displays unsatisfactory,has only attained in 4 gold medal 1.
Doolittle accepted the Congress supreme Medal awarded by President Roosevelt in the White House.
An Analyzes of Selection of Chinese Gold Medal Coaches of Olympic Games from the Aspect of Cases
This year, he won a medal of commendation for contributions to the academy and the movie industry.
今年, 他又因为他对电影行业的贡献而获得嘉奖。
Several days after then scatter the aim fancy of Jia medal empress and virtuous imperial concubine.
之后的几天, 便传来嘉奖皇后与德妃的旨意。
Yes. Ive watched the womens individual archery gold medal match. Zhang Juanjuan is really somebody.
The Medal for Distinguished Service in Battle, and the campaign medal for the Defence of Leningrad.
The preparation and characterization of fine ambient temperature desulfurizer of loading medal oxide
I was hoping for at least a silver medal, and a bronze medal was a little bit less than what I expected.
I don't care about this medal. I wanted gold, Abrahamian said, adding that he would retire from the sport.
Alessandra Sensini from Italy took the silver medal and Bryony Shaw from Britain claimed the bronze medal.
The Jamaican sprinter Usian Bolt has won his third gold medal at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin.
MingYao, XiangLiu assumed as Shanghai image ambassadors Mr. XiangLiu is the gold medal winner of the Olympic Games
姚明, 刘祥出任上海形象大使
He also earned the Award of Merit Medal for the Novel from the American Academy of Arts and Letters that same year.
The captain who shot down the aircraft, has been awarded a medal for"exceptionally meritorious conduct".
A. They awarded John a medal for his fine show of vegetables. B. They awarded a medal to John for his fine show of vegetables.
Won the silver medal for outstanding invention from the Sixth Annual National Invention Award sponsored by Ministry of Economic Affairs of ROC.
President Bush gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former CIA Director George Tenet, former U.S. Administrator in Iraq Paul Bremer, and former U.S. Commander in Iraq General Tommy Franks.

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