单词 meticulous 例句大全,用单词meticulous造句:

The Development of Freehand Brushwork of Meticulous Figure Painting in Modern Transformation
This shows, the deft and meticulous operation in the operation is how the land is important.
由此可见, 手术中轻巧细致的操作是多么地重要。
Detailoriented, strong analytic ability, willing to perform handson work in a meticulous way.
Mature, resourceful, meticulous to details and possess strong analytical abilities and drive.
In consultation with strict, serious and meticulous attitude to win the applicant's approval.
Eye Angel is designed with meticulous care according to the most popular and fashionable style.
眼天使, 是设计的精心照料, 根据最流行的时尚风格。
Buddhist Temple of Taiwan have the brick, decoration and meticulous diverse, skilled graver law.
The meticulous style requires great care and grace, with strict composition and fine elaboration.
Concludes with a discussion of both the impact of contemporary significance of meticulous person.
Methods Medication, douche of anterior chamber and meticulous nursing were applied to 64 patients.
Yangshen Mayi Liquor is produced by meticulous blending of ants soak solution and Lanlin Tequ alcohol.
He would size up the enemys situation correctly, make meticulous plans and carefully deploy his forces.
他判断敌情准确, 计划战斗周密, 长于出奇制胜
Comparative Study of Color between Tibetan Tangkas Painting and Chinese Traditional Meticulous Painting
Face this bone that gnaws hard, police of custom suppress smuggling spreads out meticulous investigation.
This honour figure of Buddha is the white embryo porcelain that does not apply glair, elegant, meticulous.
Each child's work was meticulous and clearly presented in the upright, graceful strokes of a fountain pen.
Master Jin, your research is very professional and meticulous, we benefit from you, we admire you very much!
金总的研究真是专业和细致啊, 使人受益匪浅, 的确佩服!
It also suggests that laborious and meticulous writing has its pleasures and can also be used as innovation.
In our shop the attitude of Being meticulous and considerate in service will leave a deep impression on you.
careful thinking, working and meticulous, strong sense of responsibility, can withstand the working pressure.
The products craft of our factory is meticulous, quality is fine, attractive desiggns, original and different.
本厂产品手工精细, 质量优良, 款式新颖, 独具匠心。
It widely applies modern management techniques and enhances standardized and meticulous management of equipment.
推广现代管理手段, 提高装备管理规范化和精细化水平。
With delicate carving and meticulous handicraft, it was the symbol of royalty and reputation for the noble and royal.
Proactive, wellorganized, and a meticulous planner. Strong technical background, interpersonal skills and good team player.
资深的专业背景, 良好的沟通能力和团队合作意识。
The fifth part deals with the pluralistic development of contemporary Chinese meticulous brushwork figure painting being the times demand.

单词 meticulous 释义

  • 单词释义:谨小慎微的;过度重视细节的  [更多..]



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