单词 innumerable 例句大全,用单词innumerable造句:

Innumerable cameras are fighting for a vantage point to shoot the moment a goal is scored.
More than 150 design awards and innumerable technological innovations attest to this status.
Chest PA shows innumerable multiple tiny nodules uniformly distributed throughout both lungs.
The Art of Memory is basically a system to comprehend the Universe in its innumerable aspects.
记忆之术就其基本面来说, 是认识浩瀚宇宙的一套工具。
He took the innumerable bags with which she travelled and scattered them among the attendants.
Reasoning enables us to get beyond a world of innumerable separate events, objects, and ideas.
Because innumerable billions of Bodhisattvas also seek this wonderful and subtle Dharma School.
彼无量亿诸菩萨等, 皆悉求此微妙法门。
By the innumerable tiny lignin granulometric composition lignin dust may say is blocks the sky.
The design of the work Consummation shows allusion to innumerable auspicious and happy phenomena.
In the palace has also collected the innumerable treasures, mays be called is an artistic palace.
Innumerable mammoth historical living drama and cloud opportune moment shore of in the Yunnan pond.
Of black sea surface base, seem to conceal an innumerable to bite the persons deep sea huge monster.
的黑色海面下, 似乎潜藏着无数噬人的深海巨兽。
In addition, they were forced to pay innumerable surtaxes, to say nothing of the government land tax.
Buddha Shakyamuni used innumerable methods to correspond with the level of attainment of his listeners.
The innumerable variations of one single color are again maneuvered to communicate emotion and ambience.
A rich public domain made it possible to generate an innumerable amount of benefits for the entire society.
In obscurity, you have trained innumerable students with ambition, you have brought up pillars of the state.
This network lives with the bride's family, without doubt transferred the innumerable young net friend's keyboard.
这场网络招亲, 无疑调动了无数年轻网友得键盘。
All previous classics innumerable trials and hardships, she became a of Muscovite university female Master finally.
There are, furthermore, innumerable mixtures of colour, in all nuances and depths, and some very unusual tones too.
It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout the world and gives birth to shapes innumerable in the infinites sky.
Then all their habits throughout innumerable kalpas of past and future, during which they abandon bodies and receive bodies.
如是乃至过去未来, 无数劫中, 舍身受身一切习气。
Many people crowded the gate of the law court, waiting to see what kind of punishment the criminal who committed innumerable sins would get.
They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news, especially to the in-curably ill and the dying.
Window grilles, the closeness of whose pattern is necessitated by the rather small size of the translucent seashells that sere as panes, assume innumerable forms.
窗格子的变化有无数的形式, 最小的像是半透明的贝壳。

单词 innumerable 释义

  • 单词释义:无数的,数不清的;指不胜屈;不可胜数;无可胜数  [更多..]



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