单词 initially 例句大全,用单词initially造句:

Zurichs affluence came initially from cornering a sizeable chunk of the14th Century silk trade.
New channels of communication initially appear to harm the loyalty of traditional partnerships.
刚开始时, 新交流渠道似乎伤害了传统关系中的忠诚。
This initially resulted in some inflammation and dysfunction of the blood vessels and arteries.
petiole broadly winged, initially indistinct, slightly longer than leaf blade at end of anthesis
叶柄具宽翅, 最初不清楚, 在开花期的末端的稍长于叶片
Whatever initially tends to improve the trade balance will tend to appreciate the home currency.
凡开始会改善贸易差额的, 都会使本国货币涨价。
When you see the color, initially in the application list on the Association and emotional life.
当你看到色彩时, 首先会勾串起差糊口的遐想与感情功用。
In one embodiment of estimating the disparity, initially, a stereoscopic pair of images is acquired.
在估计视差的一个实施例中, 最初, 获取立体图像对。
Police say Stephen Grant confessed after initially making a public appeal for his wife to come home.
Hume envisioned the opposite adjustment process for countries that were initially thrown into deficit.
The total cost is unclear, but the money initially would be reprogrammed from already approved accounts.
总花费不明, 但初期资金可能将重新规划。
Participates in student athletic shoes which initially examines, takes to bring with the paper, the pen.
参加初检的学生着运动鞋, 带上纸, 笔。
The new car park was initially designed with five floors, but it was then decided to add two more floors.
The earthenware which appears together with the ashes concluded initially is cauldron which the life uses.
This patient was successfully resuscitated with standard intensive care and antibiotic treatment initially.
Therefore they became a bridge in the process which Tang literature initially in the abundant transformation.
Mr.Wu told friends he initially suspected that the banner was hung by local factory bosses to intimidate him.
Authors initially analysed the hydration hardening characteristics and relation between structure and propenies.
From the perspective of human being subject, conscience initially was acquired by the approach of external cause.
Group leader Nondumiso Pikashe says they were initially inspired by former South African president Nelson Mandela.
妇女领导者皮卡徐说, 她们是被南非前总统曼德拉所激励的。
Ownership The claimant had initially provided an insurance policy for jewelry in the amount of the claimed amount.
Initially a long, writhing snakelike ribbon appeared over the dark sector stretching across the horizon from left to right.
最初, 一条蛇样的彩带从地平线的黑暗处由左至右飘来。
Together with the kilogram, initially the mass of a decaliter of distilled water, it formed the basis of the metric system.
Dry seeds absorb water by imbibition, initially via the testa, and as seed volume increases great imbibitional pressures develop.
Says Vinick, ' Anyway, not having lived in the wild for so long, he would probably initially be a less dominant male than others. '
The Military E-Book, being developed by DAIWA, US Army Soldier Systems Center, Kent Displays Inc. and Honeywell, will initially be tested in mid-2000 as part of the US Army's digital MP programme.

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