He is very insistent that Peter must attend the meeting next month.
To try to influence, as by insistent argumentsimportune or entreat.
In this part of the cave, they could hear an insistent booming sound.
在洞穴的这块地方, 他们能够听到持续的轰响。
But Lot was so insistent that they did turn aside and enter his house.
但罗得坚持要请他们, 他们就到他家中去了。
A flash that was hypnotic, significant, insistent passed between them.
一阵催眠的, 有意义的, 强固的闪电通过了两人之间。
An army of sperm is insistent. It spurns delay and pointless diplomacy.
His promotion to the department chief was due to his insistent endeavor.
由于他坚持不懈的努力, 他升到了部门主管。
The daybreak will be the award for merit that the insistent person acquires finally
Colic probably has no relation to development of an insistent, impatient personality.
Tonight in response to the insistent demand of the people, his body was shown to them.
当晚, 人们一再请求, 终于得以瞻仰了甘地的遗容。
The insistent flowing of the fountain seemed only as the symbol of the passing of time.
Mr. Fehrenbach is insistent that the ownership status makes no difference to the company.
The global economic crisis has made calls for global governance shriller and more insistent.
This temperament was soon tested in his dealings with Fayed, whom he found to be a querulous employer insistent on perfection.
So insistent was he in his respect for ownership that he took care not to disturb or displace anything belonging to someone else.
因为没有一刻不尊重旁人的主权, 他绝对不动别人的东西。