People often transmit their affection through presenting something or advise in their intercourse.
Anal sex Usually this term specifically refers to a penis penetrating an anus in anal intercourse.
an innocent smile of a child is much above the artificial smirk of a person in social intercourse.
一个小孩的天真的微笑, 实在胜于社交场中的假笑。
The female likes to get online, intercourse, ramble everywhere, with ramble the shop about the same.
Couples, who have frequent intercourse, up to five times per week, seem to get pregnant the fastest.
The sun apparently again a day in pause, then return to overdo friendly intercourse north ambulation.
Human reproduction and sexual intercourse between women and men were very closely linked in the past.
You can't catch it by kissing, holding hands, sharing eating utensils, or through sexual intercourse.
Commonality of people and the forbiddance of carnal intercourse are extreme ways of achieving this end.
You want her to enjoy the experience and as well to be completely ready and excited before intercourse.
In striding over increasing by gradually culture the various brunt frequently occurs in social intercourse.
在日益增多的跨文化交际中, 各种撞击时有发生。
Coupling with the economic globalization, the business intercourse between the east and the west goes busy.
Treatment with emergency contraceptive pills should be initiated within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse.
The diet culture is a miniature of social activities, which represents the concept of social intercourse of people.
This website mainly aims at the customer, who has the certain business friendly intercourse, increased the prestige.
The exposition will hold large art intercourse exhibition of strait side banks famous gallery, art academy cum artist.
Preliminary study on the appellation in social intercourse among yuanwen votive writings found in dunhuang manuscripts
Persuade gentleman not to have feculent sexual intercourse so, do not taste the forbidden fruit that should not taste.
Have a strong sense of career and responsibility, be good at social intercourse and treat guests warmly and courteously.
有强烈的事业心, 责任感, 善于社交, 待客热情有礼。
Menstrual period swimming or sexual intercourse, also will cause the bacterium to take an opportunity has the adnexitis.
Commercial intercourse habits included the situations, general issues of commercial intercourse, and specific commercial conduct.
Strategies and existing prombles of agricultural intercourse and cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan in field of science and education
Mei Ling Road and Domestic and Foreign Intercourse after Kai Yuan in Tan Dynasty The Study of the Intercourse between Sima Guang and Er Cheng
For 'blow off' which means 'oral sex' we charge $ 12 to $ 15 and for 'half and half' meaning oral sex and intercourse', the price is $ 30 to $ 50.
The Social Intercourse of the Maniac Intellectuals and the Prevailing Custom among the Intellectuals in Jiannan Region during the Mid and Late Ming Period