单词 initial 例句大全,用单词initial造句:

If the quality of your initial shipment found satisfactory, an additional large shipment will follow.
如果你们第一次运来的货令人满意, 随后将有大批续订。
the firm is likely to incur additional costs associated with the initial distribution of the product.
The Path of the Instant Center of Velocity and the Center of Acceleration at Initial Instant of Motion
I have to check up the initial plan, calculate the weight and make some adjustment to the ship's draft.
If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory, an additional large shipment will follow.
假如你们第一次运来的货令人满足, 随后将有大批续订。
Effect of Angina Occurred before Initial Acute Myocardial Infarction on the Prognosis of Elderly Patients
The Valve Minimum Correction uses this counter for adjustment of spool overlap correction initial set up.
这个得字面意思是阀最小修正量, 什么是阀最小修正量?
The establishment of the initial Standing Police Capacity is an achievement in which we can all take pride.
Negligence by the initial obligation to accommodate the decision may lead to the cancellation of foreclosure.
Predesign stage Budgetary estimate of blueprint of initial design specification, initial design, initial design.
初步设计阶段初步设计说明, 初步设计图纸, 初步设计概算。
Initial tests with silicon suggest that this kind of patterning can lead to a fivefold enhancement in absorbance.
We do not acknowledge receipt of device listing forms received subsequent of an establishment initial registration.
The chip space movement contrail is studied systematically, and its initial movement contra il model is acquired.
The initial oil saturation is one of the important factors that can affect the reliability of original oil in place.
The diagnostic cost included the initial imaging test and all additional vascular imaging and associated hospital costs.
Finally, the effects of the initial angle of incidence and cable sag on aerostatic stability of Ting Kau Bridge are discussed.
Compared with the feudal period, its initial consonant system was greatly simplified, with only 20 initial consonants left.
To identify and assess technical problems and constraints that have affected the preparation of initial national communications.
Late Recurrent Intracranial Hematoma Developed After Initial Surgical Removal of Early Phase Acute Hematoma in Patients With Trauma
During the initial stages of his career, Einstein was ostracised from the academic domain and was unable to find a university position.
爱因斯坦早年曾被他的学术圈所排斥, 找不到大学职位。
Affricate A complex speech sound consisting of a stop consonant followed by a fricative for example, the initial sounds of child and joy.
It is proved that the compression stress relaxlion test is reliable, and larger initial stress and lower negative temperature should be adopted.
An Initial Study of the Causes for the Formation of Aesthetic Imagery in the Literary Commentaries of the Wei, Jin and South and North Dynasties
Initial Exploration of Academic Feature on Retention of Phlegm and Fluid of Medical Practitioners in the Sui and Tang Dynasties and Examples of Clinical Application
A STUDY ON THE BIONIC PLOW MOLDBOARD OF REDUCING SOIL ADHESION AND PLOWING RESISTANCE Initial Exploring for Mechanism of Decreasing Resistance and Reducing Adhesion of the Bionic Bulldozing plates

单词 initial 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.最初的,词首的,初始的n.词首大写字母  [更多..]



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