单词 insufficient 例句大全,用单词insufficient造句:

Evidence was insufficient to determine whether the risk in children is higher or lower vs adults.
In the evening stay because bedding is insufficient, host and host sleep, lackey and lackey sleep.
It is on a relief business card printing and membership card making insufficient understanding of.
Current strategies are insufficient to ameliorate this impact of diabetes on mortality, they state.
Brutal bazaar goes all out kill, numerous product disappears overnight, insufficient also to blame.
残酷的商场拼杀, 众多产品一夜间消失, 也不足为怪。
The centre reserves the right to cancel a programme if there is insufficient number of enrollments.
It should be noted that an insufficient character size of a column will cause character truncation.
Insufficient capacity at the local government level to plan and deliver water and sanitation services.
The existing problem is the insufficient domestic demand and the lag of economic structural adjustment.
Good Efficacy of Procaine Hydrochloride as a Dairy Cow Treatment for Birth Canal Insufficient Distension
Saturate the bromeliad completely until water runs off the plant light misting is normally insufficient.
在光线较低的时候, 如果植株过于干燥可以用水来浸淋植株。
I remember the court concurring there was insufficient proof to hold parliamentarians under house arrest.
The cause of his death was determined to be drowning due to air embolism, rapid ascent and insufficient air.
Elaine home to have a restaurant attached to the corridors, there is the problem of insufficient lighting.
Bilateral and multilateral agreements are insufficient in providing protection to migrants, particularly women.
Insufficient of photosynthetic products was the primary factor of low percentage of setting seeds on buckwheat.
As for the accused of the opposite party, the court considered the preliminary investigation to be insufficient.
The trouble investigation shows that insufficient system resources also attribute to the poor network performance.
By the time relief arrived, the people in the disaster area had already suffered from insufficient food for a month.
Such womanmercenary spirit has odd but the affective tone insufficient, the affective tone insufficiency then is insipid.
这样的女人铜臭有余而情调不足, 情调不足则索然无味。
adj. peevish devoid petulant scarce cantankerous scanty choleric insufficient crabbed lack fractious deficient inadequate.
The thermal insulation provided by the cold weather boots and gloves was insufficient, and failed to match the principal part of this clothing.
I this friend holds the post of an alcalde in some town, saying normally already was more insufficient than going up more superabundant than falling.
Because peasants had a little acknowledge of the new rural cooperative medical system and insufficient participation, they were still in a status of weak power.
If the money obtained from the auction sale of building property is insufficient to make repayment, the mortgagee shall have the right otherwise to make a claim.
拍卖房产所得价款如不敷偿还, 承押人有权另行追索。

单词 insufficient 释义

  • 单词释义:不足的,不够的;绌;亏短;支绌  [更多..]



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