Its space data management adopts map layer as the basic unit to interview space information.
Personal Interview with H. E. Ayang Rinpoche is available, please make advance arrangements.
In addition, a member of the science faculty will hold a personal interview with the student.
Recently, author admire name will to biology developed a center to interview Comrade Yang Shi.
There was almost a kind of instinctual, animal acuity on display when Russert did an interview.
She also agreed to assign young reporters to conduct an interview with the Quan Yin messengers.
Where on earth confirm the clothes easy to wear in advance, clear up the place of the interview.
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Claggart seeks an interview with Vere and alleges that Billy is involved in a mutinous conspiracy.
I was told to go to Reading for this interview. It was a very amusing affair. Anyhow, I got the job.
Its not always that you fail an interview due to weak academic backgrounds and inadequate skill sets.
You get fluid accumulating in the legs, you get pain in the joints, he said in a telephone interview.
interview with three correspondents from the Central News Agency, The Sao Tang Pao and the Hsin Min Pao
和中央社, 扫荡报, 新民报三记者的谈话
During the interview, I asked him to write an inscription for our English Salon magazine. He agreed joyfully.
A small group of villagers was hanging around, and the interview, outside under a tarp, was a communal affair.
一些村民围在旁边, 油布下的采访成了一个公共事件。
Marco Fu after Tencent accepted exclusive interview with respect to their dissatisfaction with the performance.
n The fee must be paid and processed before the interview. Please bring your receipt with you to the interview.
I am not opposed to accepting your agency offer. Kindly inform me of a date when we can have a personal interview.
我愿接受贵公司所提供的代理商, 请告我们能面谈话日期。
We also provide advises, guidance and interview services on psychology, maladjustment problems and parental education.
The Ministry of Commerce and the NationalCommission, China's main economic planning agency, also declined interview requests.
On the relevant legal issues, a reporter of Xinhua News Agency is having an interview on the special topic with Mr.Chen Shu, a lawyer.
With the progress in government by law in conjunction with the professionally adroit journalist, the interview right will see a bright future.
The paper says further research is required into interview techniques and conditions under which false memories and reports of abuse are most likely to arise.
As the Adobe team behind this product told us in an interview last week, for a lot of companies, making their applications sharable is still a major challenge.
Her spirits were raised when she heard that she had been selected for interview for the job of assistant managbeen selected for interview for the job of assistant manager.