单词 invariance 例句大全,用单词invariance造句:

We can now prove invariance of dimension, one of the most important results about vector spaces.
The necessary condition of rearrangements of the coefficients of a power series for the invariance of type
Now the practical structure is studied for realization of invariance and connection about the neural network.
研究一个实用结构, 实现视觉神经网的不变性和联系性。
The Application of the Invariance of Total Differential Forms in the Differential Calculus for Function of Several Variables
This article shows that in spherical polar coordinates, the Hartmann potential has supersymmetry and shape invariance in the
证明了在球极坐标下, 哈特曼势在维度
The Application of the Invariance of First Order Differential Forms in the Differential Calculus for Function of One Variable

单词 invariance 释义

  • 单词释义:n.不变性,恒定性  [更多..]



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