单词 jar 例句大全,用单词jar造句:

Put some water in a glass jar. Hang the avocado pit over the mouth of the jar.
再往一个玻璃广口瓶里倒些水, 将鳄梨核悬挂在瓶口。
Say artful also, one day night as expected a mice dip dies in wine earthen jar.
说来也巧, 有一天夜里果然有只老鼠浸死在酒瓮中。
Remove all labels, clean the bottle and jar, and invert the bottle into the jar.
Finally, only one piece they couldn't find was missing from the belly of the jar.
100 Patiens with infantile begma treated with acupuncture combined with cupping jar
And your mom, was saving money For you in a jar trying to start a piggy bank for you
Everybody can be taught here how clean bath crock and the burnish that carry bath jar.
In the bar the barber bargained for a jar of jam, then got over the barrier of barrels.
A toughness cushion ring is arranged at the bottom of the threaded column on the jar lid.
在坛盖上螺纹拄的底部, 有一韧性垫圈。
The utility model is sanitary and can not affect the pickling quality of pickles in the jar.
The jar placement in the bottom hole assembly will affect the jarring operation very severely.
Mix all oils together and pour mixture into a storage jar made of glass with an airtight seal.
Since I add the green algae solution into the jar, they are much more active than ever before.
自从加入绿藻液以后, 锦鲤好象比原来活跃很多了。
Wash bath jar every weeks, ensure to Gan Shuang maintains after bath crock is used every time.
Amass a jar of coins. Bury them in your back yard. Draw a treasure map and give it to a friend.
jelly juice jump jeep jar He jumped out of the jeep with the juice and put the jelly in the jar.
Objective It is to observe the effect of electric acupuncture and cupping jar on facial paralysis.
Wash bath jar every weeks, ensure to Gan Shuang maintains after your bath crock is used every time.
The effect is pretty good during 3 years. It is a new kind of anticorrosion dope of oil jar insidewall.
Soon he made a big hole in the big jar. Immediately, the water rushed out from the jar and the child was saved.
很快缸上出现了一个大洞, 水立刻流干了, 男孩得救了。
For the unclean person, put some ashes from the burned purification offering into a jar and pour fresh water over them.
要为这不洁净的人拿些烧成的除罪灰放在器皿里, 倒上活水。
Treatment of32 cases of complex of neck shoulder and back treated with acupuncture and cupping jar combined with massage
Radicals of the Yellow Scarves Rebellion were packed together like turtles in a jar and appeared to be in great disarray.
They use a paper string to suspend a pipeful of rice, put a stick vertically into a jar of rice and sling the whole jar up.
用纸带吊起一斗米, 用光称杆垂直插入米坛中将整坛米吊起。
pot tazza lachrymatory cruse jar carafe jug fllower pitcher amphora vessel holder canister potiche urn container decanter bottle receptacle.

单词 jar 释义

  • 单词释义:罐子;(啤酒)杯;缸;猛然震动  [更多..]



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