单词 hospitable 例句大全,用单词hospitable造句:

Hospitable We always assume that villagers in remote places are friendly and hospitable.
That is to say, less and less of the sea will remain hospitable for calcifying organisms.
换句话说, 适合钙化生物居住的海洋, 会越来越少。
The village is very friendly and hospitable and they offer free accommodation to tourists.
Shanghai has long been hospitable to the tourists and businessmen from all over the world.
The Andersons are very hospitable, but an evening spent with them is as dull as ditchwater.
安德逊一家十分好客, 但是和他们待一个晚上却是十分乏味。
The chief was so hospitable that he invited his guests to join him in the Hall of Ancestors.
酋长十分殷勤, 甚至请他的客人跟他一起到祖先的灵堂里去。
Rather you find yourself in the tiny fraction of the solar system that is hospitable to life.
The Bishops face at once assumed that expression of gayety which is peculiar to hospitable natures.
Knowing we were keen to visit a real farm,our driver fixed it up with friends who were very hospitable.
The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.
Shanghai has always been hospitable to the tourists and businessmen from the world. Hospitable Hospitality Hospice.
hospitable. The visiting delegation was overwhelmed by the hospitality extended by the local governmental officials.
All that time the climate was so hospitable that the island was thickly forested and alive with fish, birds, flowers and grass.

单词 hospitable 释义

  • 单词释义:好客的;热情友好的;(气候,环境)宜人的  [更多..]



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