单词 hubris 例句大全,用单词hubris造句:

In 2010 those memories of European hubris will seem cruelly distant.
在2010, 那些过去让欧盟值得骄傲的记忆将变得非常遥远。
Science fantasy is informed by science fiction and driven by hubris.
The West has just been taught another important lesson about hubris.
If so, the event would meet the classical definition of tragedy hubris
如果是这样, 这件事将会符合悲剧的经典定义傲睨神明
It symbolises a mixture of apprehension, insecurity and perhaps hubris.
它象征着忧虑, 不安全感, 也许还掺杂着狂妄。
Our parochial narrowness and cultural hubris are a dangerous combination.
An epic tragedy brought about by hubris, confused thinking and lack of planning
一个史诗般的悲剧是由狂妄自大, 思想迷惑与计划不周引起
But the same hubris that lead to the Guardian's diminishing caused their downfall.
I would like to hear God say that I sort of hadnt committed too many acts of hubris.
Hubris, he reckons, has led to some of the professions most egregious ethical failings.
The notion of decoding the brains commands can seem, on the face of it, to be pure hubris.
Natural disasters lay bare the best and worst in people, stripping away hubris and artifice.
自然灾害道破最好和最差的人们, 洗去傲慢和技巧。
But generations change, power often creates hubris, and appetites sometimes grow with eating.
But they do want to destroy the Arabs. And in their hubris, they may end up destroying themselves.
在他们的狂妄野心中, 他们最终可能毁灭自己。
Instead, the crash has exposed hubris, incompetence and corruption in a single, tragic crunching of metal.
然而, 这次追尾碰撞悲剧性地暴露出傲慢, 无能和腐败。
What Lang saw instead was a reflection of his own pride, the hubris that had dominated him for the past five years.

单词 hubris 释义

  • 单词释义:n.骄傲 ,傲慢,(狂妄自大)  [更多..]



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