单词 hook 例句大全,用单词hook造句:

Analyses on techniques and practice of hook shot in college basketball training
A rotary hook with a capacity approximately 1. 8 Times that of a standard hook.
一个旋转的钩子, 最大容积是标准钩子的1。8倍。
Then, I could hook up another ambulance and a taxicab, a police car, a fire truck.
They all stood around the hook and ladders, arguing about how to put out the fire.
Window with far almanac Heteropanax color, fish hook over Shannon near Rocky Stone.
Capable of producing all types of size specifications of the hook and the fish hook.
while in use, the adhesive is put out, the clotheshanger hook is bonded on an attachment.
Standard accessories include a test hook, extension rod, and compression plate shown below.
标准配件包括挂钩, 伸长干和压缩板。
She reached for the dish towel hanging off the hook, but Todd angled his body to block her.
Vladimir hills the following year, ascended the throne as Empress Dowager Lady Yi Zhuizun hook.
If the company was liquidated and its assets exceeded its debts, taxpayers would be on the hook.
如果公司清算, 其资产超过了其债务, 纳税人将在钩。
Plastic plated wire Include the hard alloy hook, The line footpath and the tength are indefinite.
hook the duck by the neck , spread diluted maltose over it. hang the duck in an airy place to dry.
然后用钩子勾住脖子, 再在鸭皮上涂上一层淡的麦芽糖。
the pressure surface is also provided with a plurality of belt hooks used to hook the aeration zone.
Alleged bead curtain hook dont roll, horse, every hang remote peak practice to its strong also fitting.
The hook ends of the draw robs are installed in the rectangular slotted holes and hook the ring strips.
The Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extracts of Lmpatiens Pritzellii Hook. F. Var. Hupehensis Hook. F.
Observations on the curative effect of hook needle acupuncture on shoulder pain after apoplectic hemiplegia
Study on Adsorption and Separation Performance of Shikimic Acid from Illicium Verum Hook.f.by Activated Carbon.
The Influence of Relative Humidity on the Hook Joint Strength and Hook Joint Elongation of Dip Treated Raw Silk
Even good party drill pipe. Again, with big hook mention party, put forward with spear pipe hook generous watts.
再连好方钻杆, 用大钩提起方钻杆, 用矛钩提出大方瓦。
The opening and closing angel of the cantilevers of the clothes rack can be regulated by a knob at the lower end of a hook.
Study on Chemical Components of Petroleum Ether Fraction of Alcohol Extract from the Leaves of Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.
The Treatment of Dislocation of Acromioclavicular Articulation and Fracture of the Acromion End of Clavicle with the Clavicle Hook Plate
Lacy crochet hook is put on the bed, sit down forcibly, crochet hook pricks the side outside entering ham, receive an injection 4 centimeters deep.
花边钩针放在床上, 用力坐下, 钩针刺入大腿外侧, 进针4厘米深。

单词 hook 释义

  • 单词释义:钩;钩拳;吸引人的东西;曲线球  [更多..]



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