单词 hornet 例句大全,用单词hornet造句:

Bruce Lee acted in an American television series called The Green Hornet.
Bey Logan You also directed films, such as Green Hornet, Vampire Vs Vampire.
贝根你还针对电影, 如青蜂侠, 吸血鬼之诉的吸血鬼。
The risk assessment of Vespa velutina, the Asian hornet, makes terrifying reading.
The body shell of the Oriental hornet converts sunlight into electricity. Go figure.
Laws are like cobweb which may catch small flies, but let wasp and hornet break through.
Jim stirred up a real hornet's nest when he questioned salaries paid to council officials.
It is truly incredible that even a hornet could thus recognize a living enlightened master!
连一只蜜蜂也认得在世明师, 真是不可思议!
Generally speaking, Lakers also have the little superiority to the hornet, that is a kopeck.
总体来说, 湖人对黄蜂还有一点点优势, 那就是科比。
The slander is like a hornet if you cannot kill it deed the first blow, better not to strike it.
Exo 2328 I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way.
出2328我要打发黄蜂飞在你前面, 把希未人, 迦南人, 赫人撵出去。
The Effect of Freezingdried Hornet Pupae on the Longevity and Reproductivity of the Drosophila melanogaster.
Leaves behind less than 7998 season tickets, this lets the hornet head in the season ticket sell rock row alliance.

单词 hornet 释义

  • 单词释义:大黄蜂;马蜂;马蜂窝;一大堆麻烦  [更多..]



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