单词 honestly 例句大全,用单词honestly造句:

Lose because of the greed. Honestly, the veracities seldom be caught with chaff.
To be honestly , how could allow freedom to disseminate information! To be honest
搭配不当说实在的, 哪能容许信息自由地传播。
I might speak from the bottom of my heart, or say things honestly and truthfully.
我会发自肺腹, 如实和坦诚的说出来。
Honestly? You own this I bought it with the money I got in my divorce settlement.
Honestly, I believe this practice of compassion and optimism is what changes lives.
Could any member of this council honestly rise in defense of this false declaration
Besides my shyness, I honestly did not wish to bother you with my constant presence.
Honestly speaking, the rate of commission you is going to grant us is far too small.
I appreciate your remarks, but I honestly don't think it was anything to shout about.
because then we'd honestly be saying what the building is really communicating to us.
How important, honestly, were financial considerations when evaluating your partner ?
This high level group agreed to honestly discuss the merits and flaws of drug policies.
这个高层团体同意真诚探讨 毒品政策的优点和弊端。
The stockbroker claimed to be fully committed to serving her client openly and honestly.
If you do not know or are not sure of something, honestly admit it dont pretend you know.
自己不知道或不清楚, 就坦白承认, 不要装作知道。
Its a heck of lot cheaper than going out to a restaurant, and honestly, it tastes better.
这比去餐馆吃要便宜好多好多, 说实话, 味道也更好。
How much money did you honestly expect to get from the auctions of your both first guitars
With your good sense, you could be so honestly blind to the follies and nonsense of others!
凭你这样一个聪明人, 竟会忠厚到看不出别人的愚蠢和无聊!
Honestly speaking, employee, the sheeps that you raise are not good, you do not be a good cowboy.
We have an amazing connection and I learned how important it is to communicate openly and honestly.
我们有着令人惊叹的联系 我明白了坦诚交流的重要性
We must calculate honestly whether we can quadruple the GNP with an annual growth rate of six percent.
It is very important for all citizens to perform the basic moral characters honestly in everyday life.
Above theheight1.72 meters,38 to48 years old, has the dedication to work, honestly nicely has the compassion.
You honestly think Brittney spears is famous because she is a good singer? She was chosen to be a celeb because of her looks.
For the love of god, stop sending me these annoying chain letters. Do you honestly think a loved one is going to die if you don’t fwd this message?
I’ve been on a mission trying to lose weight. For the last month, I’ve been burning around 1,000 calories a day and guess what? I’ve barely lost any weight! So frustrating! It’s honestly making me feel discouraged right now.

单词 honestly 释义

  • 单词释义:诚实地;正直地;确实  [更多..]



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