单词 honk 例句大全,用单词honk造句:

Why is a Harvard teaching future leader to honk like geese ?
We have now offices located in Honk Kong, Shanghai and Chengdu.
Honk! Honk! Honk! went the11 other future leaders, as instructed.
嘎, 嘎, 嘎!其他11个未来领导则按照指示, 发出叫声。
if I want the person in front of me to drive faster, I honk my horn.
如果我想要前面的人开快点, 我会按喇叭的。
The drivers never stop in front of pedestrians, they constantly honk.
But we can see yearly Dragon Boat Race events in Honk Hong and Taiwan.
但我们可以看到, 每年的龙舟竞赛活动在按喇叭, 香港和台湾。
Far into the night the distant honk of a single goose pierces the darkness.
Again, I bowed in prayer.Honk, honk, I heard.I almost jumped out of my skin.
再一次, 我弯腰祈祷, 突然又听到车喇叭声, 我大吃一惊。
Signs have appeared telling drivers to honk their horns if they love the army.
Geese honk dissonance over old tin roofs. Sunset is borne away on beating wings.
After hearing the honking from the opposite side, the driver should also honk to respond.
In the distance troops of red colobus gave honk calls, and crowned monkeys made their throaty booms.
On a perfectly normal day at Harvard a couple of weeks ago, a dozen future leaders of the world sat in a circle and cried honkHonkHonk

单词 honk 释义

  • 单词释义:雁叫声;汽车的喇叭声  [更多..]



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