单词 hopefully 例句大全,用单词hopefully造句:

Hopefully you now see mathematics not as a hindrance to creativity, but as a friend.
希望现在你明白了数学并不是创作的障碍, 而是朋友。
Hopefully it wont all be done in crass service to the interests of advertisers alone.
So most of you know, hopefully, that a mule is a combination of a donkey and a horse.
Hopefully, one day, our sidewalks will meet and we can share a can of condensed milk.
So, I hopefully am writing, you know, books that are good for children and for adults.
所以,我满怀希望的写作 书将有得于孩子和成人。
Hopefully, next year's report would begin to show the results that were being achieved.
Ood thing the Wiz are also playing today on the road, hopefully they will be tired also.
Then I want to show the fans what I'm capable of and hopefully get their backing as well.
偶会向球迷们展示偶地能力, 并希望能得到他们地支持。
Were developing a water purifier and hopefully some other things that might be beneficial.
Hopefully, this will cause you to ponder the assignment and consider deeply your viewpoints.
Hopefully you got practice with cross products, and computing them, in recitation yesterday.
But hopefully, it was said with enough conviction that it was at least alluringly mysterious.
还好,有一点可以确信 至少这段话神秘而有趣
Hopefully by then, I'll get up the courage to once again ask you to go out on a date with me.
Under above condition, the scientists discovered hopefully whether the Higgs boson does exist.
The clod of lead kept going down, never reaching the point where it would hopefully break off.
Before such situation also denied, concerned Gao Hongbo in charge of the full guess hopefully.
Altogther there are seven questions which hopefully can help to solve the doubts of Buddha Dharma.
Hopefully, this meeting will contribute to greater awareness of the pivotal role of the United Nations.
Laughter is absolutely contagious, and hopefully these people will make you smile so much your face hurts.
笑声绝对传染, 希望这些人能使你小到脸疼。
Hopefully, the unblocking of text messaging in Iran is a sign that communication channels are returning to normal.
Hopefully this time around I won't have anything like that and I can continue to play a consistent amount of games.
Hopefully, the advantage of this pretty verbose representation of the table is that things are somewhat self explanatory.
Hopefully, the new arbitration scheme will come close to meeting the aims behind the creation of the original county courts.
I usually don’t get sick, but my throat is warm and I’m starting to get a runny nose. Hopefully this doesn’t turn into a full blown cold.
Just took my calculus midterm. Don’t think I did so well on it and the other people I spoke to from class all felt the same way. Hopefully this means the professor is gonna curve the exam.

单词 hopefully 释义

  • 单词释义:有希望地;有前途地;抱有希望地  [更多..]



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