The development of sodium absorption capacity by beet slices, however, does not require calcium.
However unhappy you were, you shouldn't have abandoned your work. It shows your irresponsibility.
However unhappy you were, you shouldn't have abandoned your work. It'shows your irresponsibility.
你再不高兴也不能摔耙子啊, 那是不负责任的表现。
However, attentive perhaps people can be aware of somewhat, a domain is worn for nothing however.
然而, 也许细心的人们会有所察觉, 有一块地盘却空着。
He would be left, however, with spherical aberration which is just as damaging to image sharpness.
他会离开, 不过, 与球面像差这是正如损害形象敏锐性。
However the energy and efficacy of ablation remain the major factors restricting the success rate.
然而, 消融的能量和效能仍然是制约成功率的主要因素。
However, the divergence and opposites among the adoption laws in various nations are not absolute.
但是, 不同国家的收养法的分歧和对立并不是绝对的。
However, the classical forum of epistemological Monism at the present time is known as Absolutism.
However, the beauty of Teheran and amorous feelings never become angry because of the war however.
However, as a result of current production order decreases, investment demand is further also abate.
However, absolute humidity changes little with altitudes when it gets closer to the highest humidity.
但绝对湿度越靠近最高湿度, 它随高度的变化就越小。
However, it was concerned that the existing penalty for abandonment of the child is prison and a fine.
Their minions, however, refuse to abide by the decisions of the Anunnaki to rejoin the forces of Light.
然而, 他们的爪牙拒绝追随阿努奇人加入光的决定。
It is, however, jolly interesting, being about absolutely everything you could ever want it to be about.
然而它却相当有趣, 绝对能满足你曾对它所有的期望。
Although hand and foot are outstanding achievement celebrated, however, its pay is very different however.
虽然手与脚都是业绩显赫, 然而, 其待遇却大不相同。
However, it is entirely possible that a medical student could do absolutely zilch to lighten the work load.
电脑萤幕与键盘, 在各行各业大概都已经是必备的吧?
However,the policy of letting a hundred flowers bloom is no longer mentioned and has,in fact,been abandoned.
However, more commonly, chronic prostatitis is abacterial and there is no history of urinary tract infection.
That provision should, however, not necessarily be interpreted as recognition of an absolute right to asylum.
However, few studies have quantitatively assessed the abnormal posture in LCS in relation to clinical symptoms.
目前, 对于该类患者的异常姿势与临床症状的关系报道甚少。
However, in symmetry is hidden delusion, that is, only symmetry without absolute symmetry can incarnate beauty.
但对称中却隐藏着错觉, 即对称而并非绝对对称才能体现美。
The abdomen that the cloud just detects when having a meal is a little protuberant, feel embarrassed however inquiry.
Both thorough comprehension and perfect expression, however, are to be understood in relative and not absolute terms.
He also is met laugh of a person's mind, still Anacreontic, very heavy however, resembled assuming the deal of years of involved and abstruse.
The new models, however, are made from lightweight metals, sport faster and more shock-absorbent wheels, are narrow enough to thread through congested sidewalks and have collapsible steering columns.