单词 horde 例句大全,用单词horde造句:

The Inquisition and Reflection on the Northern Horde Plastic Art and Its Cultural Expression
There were a large horde of cows with giant bells around their necks, deafening to the ears.
New title of Conqueror is now available for Horde players exalted with AV, AB and WSG factions.
a horde of fiendish monsters who perpetrate every conceivable crime and are unpardonably wicked
一群青面獠牙, 十恶不赦的人
So I would expect that the Gnome has his counter part on the Horde side that does similar emotes.
因此我预期, 侏儒在部落方面会有一个动作相似的对立方。
The shrewd and tenacious goblins are the Horde's newest playable race with the Cataclysm expansion.
Lothar convinces the seven human Kingdoms to unite under the banner of Lordaeron to defeat the Horde.
This served as the background of the military alliance between the Swedish Kingdom and the Crimean Horde.
Shaft yellow emperor is Chinese cultural ancestor, the unification of the first emperor of founding the horde.
轩辕黄帝是中华人文始祖, 一统部落而开国的先帝。
The sea was terriblely blue the mild wave, licking the seashore, droned like the mumble made by a horde of fish.
海水的蓝色浓得吓人, 舐岸的微波吐出群鱼喋嗡的声韵。
A group of teenagers who, in an attempt to rescue their friend from an evil corporation, end up releasing a horde of blood thirsty zombies.
Even the Internet itself is being reborn as the Wireless Internet, with a horde of various NASDAQ companies offering novel ways to connect sans cords.

单词 horde 释义

  • 单词释义:一大群;游牧部落  [更多..]



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